Chapter 7

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Ending wasn't as good as the first time I wrote it... Wattpad was 'under maintenance' so it got deleted. Imagine the pictured bill except with softer coloration and a slightly baggy, baby yellow sweater.

Bill watched the gem intently. Multiple hostile, hissing creatures surrounded them. Some with a special gem somewhere on it's body, others with no gem and no stable being. It's been a few days, and Lune sure was taking it's time.

He growled. "I swear, if this takes any longer... I'll... I'll smash him to bits and force it!" The sides of his mouth twitched and the monsters around him slithered back. "Get out of there you stupid kid!"

Three days prior...

Mabel cried once the shimmering sun set and the glowing moon rose. "I'm sorry dude, I need to get you back to Stan." Soos said as she wiped her tears and nodded. They couldn't find him. Dipper was lost! They lost her brother! He could be scared and alone and... Maybe Stan knew what to do...

"Teleportation? I had no idea you were capable of such feats." Stan blabbered, looking at his notes and straightening his glasses. "It must be some kind of... safety reflex." He cleared the living room table of cards and papers that weren't apart of his research.

"Then why didn't it happen with the gnomes?" Mabel asked. Stan turned to her.

He sighed. "That's why you're here. To figure it out."

Mabel gave him a confused stare, but shook her head. "None of this matters, Grunkle Stan. I need to know where Dipper is." She nervously scratched and picked at her arms. "We've never been apart this long."

Stan widened his eyes. "What about all that personal space talk and how you wanted to go for sleep... sleepovers? Yeah, and slumber parties and junk."

She sighed and wiped at her watery eyes with her orange sweater. "My friends always had to come over to my place." She smiled. "I was so wrong." She went back to her sad expression. "This is terrible. I mean, there's no one here to comfort so now it's all... blargh! What do I do?"

Stan tapped a pen to his chin. He began writing notes. It was obvious these kids needed eachother to function... but to what extent? "I lied." He sighed.

Mabel blinked. "What? Did- do my ears deceive me?"

"You guys aren't birth defects." Stan ground his teeth nervously. "You are... Well, you're these extraterrestrial beings called gems."

"I have no idea what that means."

"I really shouldn't tell you this... you're adopted. You aren't human. To everyone else you still are. No telling ANYBODY. Now that you know this... I need you to-" He was interrupted.

"Okay, back up there old man." She took a breath. "I completely understand the adopted part but... I knew we were very very different. Not human?" She took a breath. It was a lot to take in... without Dipper asking the questions and doing the nervous investigation stuff, this was hard. Dipper totally called the not being human part, though she always chose to ignore it. "Are we like some kind of primate or what? And why not tell anyone?" She tried smiling.

Stan rubbed his head. "Once we find Dipper I'll explain. First I need you to concentrate."

"What? Why?" Mabel asked.

"I've been told by Sodalite that certain gems, aka: you and Dipstick, can have locating properties if they have been together an excessive amount of time." He pointed to Mabel. "You might be able to find him."

She gulped. "I can try...?"

Three days later

"Over here." Mabel whispered. Her and Stan crept around a dark alley. Stan looked left and right, making sure they weren't followed. It was sunset and dark shadows loomed over the pavement. She gently moved a garbage can over, as quietly as possible, revealing a deep tunnel that glistened in smooth pink and purple stone. Mabel's eyes shimmered. It was so sparkly!

"Bingo." The old man smiled.

A white light surrounded the blue gem. The kid, exactly as he was before, appeared in a kneeling position. No hat on his head. His eyes fluttered open, revealing whom he was kneeling to. "...Bill, right?"

Bill smiled and helped him to his feet. "That's my name, kid!"

Dipper jumped at the scenery. Nothing but glowing eyes surrounded them. He grabbed onto Bill, the safest thing he seen.

The yellow gem's eye widened, then he grinned, hugging the young one back and stroking his navy blue hair. "Shh, it's okay Lune. You can trust me to keep you safe." His smile only got wider when the child buried his face into Bill's sweater. So trusting... so vulnerable. "We can dance your fears away."

Dipper stopped trying to dig his face into the man's clothes and looked up, wanting to stop hugging, but not wanting to feel so alone. "Dance our fears away?" He said it so skeptically. Dipper flinched and tightened his hug when he looked to the monsters. He looked back to the man's admittedly ugly face. "That sounded like something Mabel would say."

"That's your sister, right kid?" Bill asked. He just needed to be sure it was Solana.

Dipper nodded slowly and Bill pulled away, brushing his bangs back to reaveal the kid's gem. Soon he'll bear a mark of Pyrite.

"May I have this dance?" Bill pulled back further, taking a firm step, feet together. Before he dragged the foot forward, moving firmly with his drawed out hand. "Just... take... my... hand."

Desperate to concentrate on something other than the hungry eyes attempting to get in his head and eat up his soul, he reached for the hand, but flinched back. He held one of his arms nervously. "I... I can't dance."

Bill groaned. "Just dance, kid."

"Dipper!" Mabel's voice pushed through the crowd of monsters. The hook of her grappling hook shot above their heads and they watched her swing over, Stan hanging onto het for dear life. She landed between them and her twin latched onto her immediately. "What happened? Where did you go? I was so worried."

Dipper shook his head and smiled. "I don't know, I literally just woke up, Mabel."

Stan glared at Bill. "How did you get out of Sodalite's bubble?"

Bill grinned. "And I thought you wouldn't recognize me. How sweet." He sighed and crossed his arms. He grimaced. "You know everything was going Chrysoberyl before you and Solana showed up." He snapped and the monsters that surrounded them started to edge closer. "You've riled them up."

"Call off your beasts, Chrysoberyl." Stan growled, huddling closer to the kids.

"Even if I wanted to, why should they? They hate you, Dr. Dissection... I wonder why though." Bill grinned as he started to walk away.

"Bill-" Dipper's voice cracked and he coughed. "Bill, can I use that free save now?"

The mentioned gem smiled and the monsters all stopped. Bill turned his head and smiled. "First, I want a dance."

"Smokebomb!" Stan yelled, pulling the twins harshly back how they came, pushing through jaws claws and other limbs to get out.

Bill growled and yelled in frustration, he couldn't see anything and they were getting away! Once the smoke cleared, he glared at the monsters and they immediately cowered back. He stomped closer and closer. With his clawed hands he grabbed one by the neck and snapped it until it poofed into a gem. He caught the gem in the air and crushed it. Crushed it.

"Who wants a BFF?" He hissed, glaring at the others. "That is what they're calling it these days, right?" He snapped around and grabbed one without looking. He ripped the gem from it's form and- poof! Another gem. He crushed it in his hand like it was nothing.

"Hm? Who would like to deal with my anger next?" He crushed them together and his hand turned red hot. He opened his hand to reveal a bubbled mess of two gems. He threw it on the ground with disgust. "Next time, I expect better."

He strolled out of the cave, humming. The monsters huddled around the forced fusion. They clicked and hummed, communicating as well as possible. Two light forms emerged, screaming and crying for help, dripping with light and tears before meshing together and becoming one. The creature was a deformed mess of multicolored arms and legs, multiple eyes and orifices. Most of the monsters shrunk back in fear of the familiar sight.

Bill grinned at the frightened whimpers and cries.

Falling Universe [Complete]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon