Chapter 2: The Unfriendly Meet Up

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Chione awoke to the speaking of wolves. Mumbles were the only things she could hear, along with the soft snores of her pups. She turned her head slowly, her vision still blurry.

She didn't see Amber where she originally was when she fell asleep.

The voices then began to raise, they were becoming angry, loud growls rising from their throats. She heard Amber's voice and along with a voice she knew well, but couldn't put her paw on. She slowly got up, making sure not to wake her pups.

The small taps from her nails hitting the hard wood floor, echoed through the oak. Just as she was going to get to the entrance to see what was going on, a loud growls turned to barks of anger.

They were fighting.

Chione ran the rest of the way. She leapt out in the the snow, and saw Amber on the ground, with a short  grey wolf on top of her, holding Amber down. His teeth were dangerously close to her neck, Amber was struggling against him.

He was smaller than Chione and about an inch taller than Amber. Chione bit him on his scruff, and pulled him off Amber.

"Chione!" Amber shouted "Look out!" Amber quickly got back up from the snow, and tackled a large black wolf that was running towards Chione. The black wolf lost its balance and fell into the soft snow.

Chione, distracted, was suddenly bit on her side from the smaller grey wolf. She yelped in pain and got into an attacking position along with Amber. She could hear her pups whining in fear from the fight going on outside.

"Who are you and why are you here?!" Chione shouted, making her voice loud to intimidate them.

"We are here for you Chione." the black wolf growled.

"W-What? B-bomb?" Chione asked, slowly getting up from her stance.

"Thats right. Now make it easy and just come with us, we don't want to do anything to your friend here."

"What is going on?!" Amber asked, clearly confused.

"We are part of Block B, we made an alliance with Bts and we are here to take Chione back to Namjoon, just as Zico ordered us to do." The small grey wolf said

"And who are you?!" Amber half shouted at him.

"Im Taeil." the grey wolf said calmly. "Now hurry up and come with us Chione. Make our lives easy."

Chione fluffed up her fur and got back into a defensive stance, "Never!" she shrieked.

"You just had to make it difficult..." B-bomb charged at Chione. He pinned her down tightly and aimed for her neck.

Amber ran to Chione's side and tackled B-bomb, there was no way Amber could even think of fight B-bomb. Amber attacked quickly biting anything she could get her teeth on, Taeil soon joined in and ran for Chione. She easily swatted him and he fell on his back, winded.

Chione couldn't help but laugh at the small wolf on the floor gasping for a breath. Her laugh was short lived, as B-bomb hit Amber off him, sending her flying off him, and charged at Chione once more. B-bomb tackled her hard, almost making Chione fall from his weight.

B-bomb bit into her shoulder, her blood dripping into his mouth. Chione shrieked in pain, but fought back, she stuck her sharp teeth into his neck. Trying desperately to get him of her.

His weight was becoming too much and she fell on the snow. B-bomb started to tear her flash apart. Blood staining the white snow.

Chione laid on the snow, no longer able to fight back. Her vision becoming blurry, but she still tried to get up.

Paws against the snow was heard ahead of her. Weight was added once more. She heard growls from what seemed to be Amber.

After a few seconds weight was removed from her. B-bomb got off Chione and struck Amber with his paw. Amber fell back, a painful whine coming from her.

Chione got up after a few attempts. And turned to see Amber with her head against the snow and Taeil holding her down. B-bomb was staring at Chione with no emotion.

Chione turned to Amber, pain overcoming her body. Chione ran, or rather limped  back to her.

"LEAVE NOW WITH THE PUPS!" Amber looked at her in the eyes. B-bomb was just smirking at them now. He was enjoying this little show. In fact, he loved how much pain he was causing.

"I CANT JUST LEAVE YOU!" She yelled. Chione limped back to Amber.

"Stop...please. Just leave with the pups..." Amber cried.

Chione felt her heart break every time she took a step away from Amber. She picked the fearful pups up and ran, using all her power. She looked back at Amber for one quick second, she was crying. Tears flowing down her usual happy face.

Chione knew she would not survive. It was so hard to look away, but she ran, not looking back. Tears threatened to fall, as she ran, her only hope was left behind. As she ran away, a loud pain filled whine echoed through the forest. Then, silence, dead silence.

. . .

(That is the pic of B-bomb up there )

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