Chapter 1: The Great Oak

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Chione walked slowly, turning every so often to look at her pups. She left the birth den about two days ago, and has not seen a wolf since. She has no idea how far away she is from Bts territory or if she was even still on it. She couldn't see anything but a few inches ahead of her as a blizzard was throwing snow down in the forest.

A loud whine was heard from the left of her. She stopped and turned to see what her pup needed. He was ill and hungry, just like the rest of the pups. Chione was also starving, which means no milk for the pups. They are able to eat small pieces of meat, which they might have to in these conditions. The only thing she could do for him was pick him up and start walking again.

Chione would assume they would be out of Bts territory, but with so many expansions to their land it was hard to tell. The pup in her mouth was now whining louder then ever, making it hard to ignore. No pup should be out of the den at three weeks of age.

Especially in a blizzard like this, in the middle of winter too. Even if she did run off to attempt to catch a small prey she might loose her pups while trying to chase it.

She was so deep into her thoughts that she hit her head on a tree. She yelped in surprise.

Chione looked at the tree again, and saw it was the Great Oak. The Great Oak was often used as shelter for loner wolves, whether it was safe now, she didn't know. But with her pups freezing and starving she needed the shelter. She knew her motherly instinct will give her the power she needed to fend someone off her pups. With trust in herself, Chione walked in with her fur on end.

Chione walked in, slightly holding in her breath from fear. She could tell her pups had a flush of relief from the warmth inside the oak. The Great Oak had a hole just big enough for medium sized wolves to fit in.

The Oak had a large trunk, so about four or, at most, five wolves could fit in. Even with such a large hole in the trunk, the oak grew well. Many stories that she heard of as a pup, said a god blessed it.

She smelled the air, it seems like there was a female wolf inside. Chione put down the sick pup to speak, "Hello? I have pups, I mean no harm." she called out, making sure they knew she was coming.

"Oh, hello!" A small brown and black furred wolf came into sight. Her yellow eyes wide in alert and tail up high in the air. The wolf was smaller compared to Chione, so assumed she was much younger then her. The pups coward behind Chione's legs and softly whined at the unknown wolf.

"My, what cute pups you have." The wolf said, her tail wagging slowly. "And your name?" she asked

Chione noticed she had a strange accent, she is not from this forest. She had a boyish voice and even moved like a male, is it really a female wolf? "Thank you... my name is Chione." She quietly mumbled, hoping news has not spread quickly of her being The Chosen.

"My name is Amber, nice to meet you..." Amber was eying her up and down, "Are you perhaps... The Chosen?" she said carefully.

Chione held her breath, "Y-Yes I am." She quietly said.

Amber's eyes turned bright, "I found you! Finally after a year! I have found you Chione!" Amber jumped up from her original sitting position, running to Chione and licking her on the cheek. "Exo will be so happy to hear this!" she shouted loudly.

Chione, who was still lost for words stared at her, "What do you mean?"

"I was sent from Exo to find you! I searched for a whole year now! Im so happy to finally find you! Im so relieved!" She shouted in excitement.

"So you'll take me there, then?"

"Of course, Chione we will leave first thing in the morning so you better be ready!" She was still jumping like a rabbit. "I suppose your hungry, huh. Well I have remains of a small deer over there. It isn't much, but better than nothing, right?" Amber walked deeper into the oak and dragged a small deer with her. Amber dropped the deer and began throwing many questions over at Chione.

Chione bowed to her, thanked her many times, and answered all the questions Amber asked.

Amber was cheerful and talkative. She really did act boyish, which surprised her, but Chione liked her. Chione was already feeling a connection with Amber and looked forward to their journey with her to Exo's territory. This would be the first time in what seemed liked forever, she would have a full belly and feel safe.

. . .

(And that is Amber up there in the picture)

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