"Wow." Tree paused, "I don't know what to say. I'm glad you've got Taylor to help you battle this dark time, I'm so glad you're not back in care and that Taylor spoke up and took you in. She's going to look after you like you're one of her own, I know it." Tree wiped her eyes.

"Yeah, she's right. I'm going to look after you as if you were my daughter. I'm going to look after you, and I'm going to help you with absolutely anything." Taylor put an arm around Luna, squeezing her in a side hug. Luna smiled, as more tears fell down her cheeks, which had now turned into happy tears. "Okay, so, we did this last night and thought that this was how we could tell the public." Taylor said, quickly changing the subject to a lighter matter, pulling out her phone and showing Tree the pictures from last night.

"This is brilliant." Tree laughed, "I can't even comprehend how brilliant this idea is."

"Why thank you, I mean, I'd like to take credit for it but Karlie came up with what exactly to write, I was going to put 'family since 07-27-15' but that's crap, let's be real." Taylor admitted.

"Post it now, I want to see reactions." Tree said, excited as to how the fans are going to respond.

Taylor added the appropriate filters, getting advice from Tree and Luna between 'Slumber' and 'Nashville'. They went with 'Slumber' and Taylor added a caption which read, 'That's right, I adopted Luna.'

"I'll make a Tumblr post explaining more later, I didn't want the caption to be too long." Taylor smiled, pressing the share button, her notifications were already going crazy with people liking and commenting. Taylor pulled up her laptop, "I would like both of you to proof read it before I post it, so I'll write it now." She began typing at her laptop.

Once she had finished, she first handed the laptop to Luna, telling her to take out anything that she was uncomfortable with being in the public eye, but Taylor had worded it so well that she didn't need to take anything out. She then handed the laptop to Tree, who made sure everything was appropriate, which it was perfectly fine as far as Tree could see. So Taylor posted the letter and waited for responses. The letter read;

'Dear Tumblr,

So I recently posted an Instagram saying that I've adopted Luna (baby-justsayyess), the lovely girl I had stay with me for a while. I just wanted to let you know why and clear up any confusion you might have.

Luna and I have been speaking for about 7 years now, through letters back and forth, through social media, etc. Well, I'd say Luna was a great friend of mine, but we'd never had the chance to meet, so I asked Luna's mother if Luna could come on a vacation to stay with me in New York. Luna and her mom had a really close bond, they had only recently got back together as Luna's mom grew ill therefore Luna was in care, but when they were back together Luna had to look after her mom and act as a carer, and I wanted to give her some rest bite.

While she was here, it happened to be her 17th birthday, so obviously we had a party. A few of Luna's friends from here came and we had a great time, that was until Luna got the worst phone call anyone could receive, let alone on their birthday. Luna's mother had died earlier that evening.

I haven't left Luna's side since. We travelled back to her home together and sorted things out there. Luna was so sad and scared as she would have to go back into care. Being in care put Luna in a very dark place, nobody was nice to her and things didn't go well for her. She was hurting enough anyway, I couldn't let her go through any more hurt. So I adopted her.

I would appreciate it if you were nice to Luna, she's had a tough time lately and is slowly getting back on her feet here in New York.


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