Chapter 8

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The three girls woke the next day to a soft knock at the door. Taylor reached for her phone and checked the time, 11:59am.

"Shit." Taylor muttered, jumping up from the sofa and trying to make herself and her home look presentable. "Go get changed real quick, Tree is here." Taylor whispered, signalling to Luna and Karlie to get ready. "Just a minute Tree" Taylor shouted, running to her room to get ready in the quickest time possible, before answering the door.

"You overslept again, didn't you?" Tree smiled, leaning in to hug Taylor.

"You say that like I do it a lot." Taylor joked, returning the hug and walking into the front room, where Luna was sat on the sofa alone. Karlie had obviously taken Taylor's advice to stay in her bedroom like she'd told her when she went to change.

Luna stood up from the sofa to greet Tree, "Hi, I'm Luna. It's lovely to finally meet you." Luna smiled sweetly and reached out her hand to shake Tree's, unsure of how to greet the lady standing infront of her.

Tree went for the hug. "It's lovely to meet you Luna, I'm Tree." She smiled, "I've heard some wonderful things about you." Luna began to blush as Tree put her bags on the dining room table, Taylor and Luna following her, pulling up chairs next to each other but opposite Tree.

Needless to say, Luna was nervous, especially after what Karlie had told her the night before. It's okay, she's not going to upset you. Taylor said she loves you, don't be nervous. Luna filled her mind with positive thoughts to try and overpower the negative ones that were swimming around in her head.

"So, have you got any ideas of how you want to go about this?" Tree asked, "People are wondering why you were in California together when Luna clearly stated that she was going to be in New York for 2 weeks with you, how much do you want to tell the public?"

"I'm guessing we need to tell them everything, right?" Luna said quietly, "I mean, everyone's going to get suspicious if we don't tell them the truth."

"You're right, we're going to need to announce as much as you feel comfortable with I'm afraid." Tree began, "We're going to need to announce why you were in California, and why Taylor decided to adopt you instead of sending you back into care." Luna nodded slowly.

"It's okay, we'll only say what you're comfortable with revealing. Yeah, you live with Taylor Swift, and ninety percent of my life isn't exactly private, but I chose that all those years ago, you didn't. You have every right to a private life and we're going to try and keep what we can under wraps." Taylor held onto Luna's wrist, she was scratching at her hand again.

"Have you told her everything?" Luna asked Taylor quietly.

"Not everything. I wanted to give you a chance to explain, if you want to that it." Luna nodded and took a deep breath.

"How much do you know?" Luna asked Tree, she was getting ready to have to spill her guts again.

"Not much, I know that your time in care previously hasn't been enjoyable for you, and it led you into a dark period of your life which you are still in. Of course I know why you were in care the first time, and that is all." Tree said softly, smiling at Luna.

"Okay, so during that dark time," Luna paused, she was unsure of how to put her words. She knew what she wanted to say but the words kept getting jumbled up in her head. "I. From the age of 13, so about 4 years ago, I was in a really bad place; I was being bullied by people at school and kids in the care home, but by teachers and the people who worked in the care home too. I wasn't allowed to see my mom for a month because I didn't do the dishes one night because I was ill in bed all through dinner. That's when it all went wrong. I started to self-harm, and I've been doing it every day, right up until the day I flew to New York" Luna paused for a deep breath, "Taylor didn't know any of this until that same night, when one burst open and she helped me patch it up. The next morning I explained everything to her, and she's helped me through everything that's gone on since. And I am forever grateful." Luna's voice was shaky and her eyes were tearful all throughout explaining to Tree, and she noticed the other redhead's eyes start to well up while she spoke too, she didn't look to Taylor, only directly across to her where Tree was sitting.

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