||Chapter 3|| Does The Pain Weigh Out The Pride?

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Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers, Michael Bay and Hasbro do. I only own my OCs, plot twists, and evil cliffhangers.~Hannah


Where there are lies, there is also truth.


||3rd Person P.O.V||

The sound of wailing sirens penetrated the silence, alerting those within the abandoned factory that their special guest was close.

An abandoned factory; seemingly harmless.

Yet, the secrets it held within would be the reason for so much pain and suffering that was soon to come.

"We must have ze key!" Rushed chatter filled the air as the sirens became louder. "We must! We must!" 

"Would you shut up already?" A male's voice growls. "You'll get your damn 'key' soon enough." 

There was a moment of silence until another voice penetrated the air, this time belonging to a female. "I still don't understand why I have to work with him." She spoke in a purr, though her voice held an edge of annoyance. "Can't we just get the girl?"

"Oh stop your bitching already," The second voice snaps. "Your job is to act like a whore, at least pretend to enjoy it." After that remark was made no one spoke, they only waited in silence for their 'guest' to arrive.


With his sirens wailing to block out the sound of his pounding spark,  he turned down the next road, the factory less than ten minutes away. Five if he hurried.

But he wouldn't hurry. He was in no rush. For, what he was about to do, was something he would never forgive himself for doing.

He still remembers the day, the day he made the deal.

"You, must bring me the boy."

"And if I don't?"

"I'll kill her."

His frame vibrated in a growl, his sirens, if possible, wailing even louder.

It was never meant to be him. He was never meant to be the one to bring Sam to them, but fate, it seems, has a different plan for him.

I love you...

He felt as though he had to tell her that before he left, before she hated him. She had to know that he never meant to hurt her, that he...

No, that wasn't it; it was something else.

It was the want, the need, to know if she felt the same. He needed to know what she felt, and hoped those words would give him the answer he so badly wanted to hear.

But it was useless, in his opinion.

She hadn't heard him, and she never would. She would never know how he felt...not after she found out what he plans to do.

But...even so, he couldn't help but smile at that last moment he shared with her.

She promised to always trust him, no matter what happens.

And that's what kept him alive, what kept him moving.

The fact that she trusted him enough to say that.

With a heavy vent he revved his engine, the abandoned factory becoming larger in size as he approached.

Forgive me Tanya...I'm only doing this for you.


||Tanya's P.O.V.||

If someone ever tells you to take deep breaths when you're furiated there's only one thing you can do.

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