||Chapter 2|| The Voice In The Darkness

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Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers, Michael Bay and Hasbro do. I only own my OCs, plot twists, and evil cliffhangers.~Hannah


"We all have secrets, some we share and some we have to keep to ourselves."


||3rd Person P.O.V||

Barricade watched as Tanya hesitated, her face scrunched in confusion. An aggravated sigh sounded from his radio, and he shifted on his tires.

'What is taking you so long?' He grumbled over the bond he shared with Tanya. 'I told you we need to leave. Now.' He had no time to wait for Tanya to make up her mind. He needed to get her to base, and he needed to do it as soon as possible.

Tanya sends him a glare as she crosses her arms over her chest with an angry huff. 'Well excuse me, Mr.Hardaft.' She fires back. 'But as you can see, I'm helping Sam pack for college. And then I'm leaving with them.' Barricade could only sigh at her words, sinking down on his axles.

He knew all to well that she was leaving today, and he's known for the past year since Tanya received her acceptance letter from Princeton.

He couldn't help but find it somewhat ironic that both Sam and Tanya got accepted into the same school, but he had a feeling Optimus was behind it.

And after the message they received in Shanghai, he was glad they were going to the same school.

Besides, Tanya would need Sam by her side when...a growl vibrated inside his cab at the very though of what would come.

'I do not care,' He nearly growls. 'We are leaving. Now!' Barricade watches Tanya visibly jump, and his spark sank. He hated scaring her like this, but they really did need to leave. 'Please, Sweetspark.' He murmurs quietly.

||Tanya's P.O.V.||

With stiff muscles I face Ron and Judy. "I have to go...they need me apparently." I grumble, a deep frown making its way onto my face.

What crawled up Barricade's ass and died?

"Really? At a time like this?" Ron asks, he too sporting a frown. That's what I'm thinking, Ron. The entire base knows I'm leaving for college today.

Hell, we celebrated two freaking days ago! There's no way in hell they forgot! And yet, here they are, demanding my presence.

"I don't know why they need me," I mumble, sending Barricade another sour look. "They know today is an important day for me." Judy steps forward, placing a hand gently on my shoulder.

"Tai-Dye," Damn my stupid nickname. "If they need you, then go. You an always meet us there." I look up at Judy, smiling slightly.

"Thanks for understanding, Judes." I murmur. Maybe Judy can be serious for once.

"Good! While you're gone I'll hold this for you!" You know what? Forget what I said, the Witwicky cannot have a single, solitary serious moment.

"Gee, thanks." I grumble, huffing as she stole my bra from out of my hand....again.

"Of course Sweety! Now go!" My shoulders sag and I send Ron a pleading look. Maybe he can save me from-

"It's alright kiddo, go to them." Ron says, smiling down at me.

I swear some people just want to watch the world burn.

"I hate you all." I mutter as I slowly walk towards Barricade, sending Sam and Mik one last glance, hoping they would help me.

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