“Vlad!” I said exasperated

“I’m sorry but it’s true” I only ended up blushing more but from embarrassment 

“God you’re such a guy” I stated

He laughed, “Hey you knew how I am before you agreed to date me”

I nodded, “True”

“I’m hungry” he said after a little bit of silence

“And I need to get home before mom worries too much” I said standing

“Yeah I guess you’re right” he said grabbing my hand and walking to the bike.


When we got to my house I was surprised to see Pearl sitting on my porch talking to my mother.

Vlad and me walked up to them and mom seeing our hands intertwined she smiled.

“So Pearl was asking me if you could go on a camping trip with the group this weekend” mom stated looking at me

I frowned, “I didn’t know anything about it” I said to Pearl and Vlad

“Well now you do, it’s for a group meeting” Pearl said

“Ooo a group meeting what for?” mom asked

“Um…mom…I mean nothing” I stuttered

Vladimir put his arm around me and tried covering up his laugh as a cough.

“I have a feeling you know something I don’t Alisha Marie” mom glared and I knew she was getting suspicious since she used my middle name

“I promise you Allison it’s nothing bad we just like to call hanging out meetings” Vlad stated toward mom

She smiled, “Oh I thought it was code for gang or something” she said relieved

‘Ding ding ding we have a winner’ I thought but instead I said

“No mom me friends with gang people nope defiantly not”

She stood, “well I’m glad to know I don’t have to worry about you. Remember church is Sunday.” Looking at Pearl she asked, “What day you coming back?”

“Sunday morning”

Mom frowned, “Well that means Alisha that you’ll be missing morning so be prepared to go to evening”

“Yes mom” I said when she went inside I turned toward Pearl glaring at her, “Thanks for the invite” I said sarcastically

She held up her hands, “Hey, you being involved rather you want to actually be in the gang or not is for your own safety”

“She’s right you know” Vlad whispered in my ear causing shivers.

‘Why does he have that effect on me just by touching me and talking in my ear?’

“Well I guess I better get inside” I said and turned to hug Vlad who returned it I looked up at him, “I’ll talk to you later”

He winked and turned getting on his bike with Pearl. Which I’m assuming didn’t’ have a ride back. I waved when they pulled out and walked in the house.

“Honey can I talk to you for a minute?” mom yelled from the living room

When I got in she was sewing in the chair.

“Yes mom” I sit down with my feet tucked under me on the couch

“Well about this weekend, is there going to be adults? I forgot to ask your friend Pearl which I didn’t like the ideal of you not telling me about her”

I sighed, “I’m sorry mom I became friends with her and the group through being friends with Vladimir, and as for adults no offense mom but we’re teenagers who is almost 18 or is already 18 heck Howie is bout to be 19”

“Well I just want you to be careful especially since you and Vlad have gotten close”


“So who is this group you talking about?”

“Vladimir, Pearl, me, Tunks and his brother Howie, and Tunks girlfriend Evie and then Layla who don’t like me very much” I stated

“Why?” she asked

I sighed; “Because she’s Vlad’s ex mom ok” I said getting annoyed

“Ok, what about Olivia, is she in too?”

I frowned, “No”

“Well I think you should invite her she don’t have many friends you know so I think you would be a good friend to invite her as well”

I stood, “Ok you’re right I will now I’m going to do some homework, I’ll be down for dinner” I said and made my way to my room.

When my ipod went off I looked and it was from Vlad

Vladbad 89: Hey babe.

I blushed just by the pet name.

‘Man I have it bad’

Al-girl: Hey

Vladbad 89: What I don’t get a pet name?

Al-girl: haven’t decided on one yet. I have a question.

Vladbad 89: Ok. What’s up?

Al-girl: Can Olivia come this weekend too? I know you guys don’t know each other much but she’s my friend too.

Vladbad 89: Well I’ll talk to the gang and let you know tomorrow ok? I know I won’t have a problem if you bring her but it’s just if she comes she’s going to find out about the ‘gang’ so I’ve got to talk to everyone.

Al-girl: Ok, I’m doing homework ttyl J

When I didn’t get a reply I got my homework out and begin working on it. 

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