"I'm really sorry Shawn, you don't deserve any of that. How long have you been up trying to write this song?"

"I've been in here for the past 2 days just sulking and getting frustrated when I write shitty lyrics. Taylor comes and goes every once in a while but never says much." Poor guy.

"Have you ever thought about writing about her? You know, like about how she broke your heart?"

"Yeah- well actually no, I haven't."

"I could help you if you wanted. The last thing you need right now is to be alone anyways."

"You know how to write lyrics?" He asks, shocked.

"Yes and no. Lyrics are basically just poetry or stories paired up with music, and I love writing poetry." I grin. "Will you play me the music that you've written?"

He nods and picks up his guitar and strumming away. I never knew that Shawn could play and if he tours like he says, he can probably sing too.

"Wow, Shawn that was beautiful."

"Thank you, thank you." He says with a smirk. He stands up and curtsies, using his fingers to lift his imaginary skirt. "But about the lyrics.." He trails off getting frustrated again.

"You did say that she left you broken hearted and feeling beat up. And every broken heart need stitches right?"

"Right..." He replies grinning widely.

"So maybe something like this," I clear my throat. I can't believe I'm about to sing for poor heartbroken Shawn. "Got a feeling that I'm going under, but I know that I'll make it out alive if I quit calling you my lover and move on."

His eyes widen, "wow Sydney I really underestimated you! You're voice is beautiful."

"Thank you." I blush.

"And then it could go like: You watch me bleed until I can't breathe, I'm shaking falling onto my knees. And not that I'm without your kisses, I'll be needing stitches." He sings. Angelic is an understatement.

I inject, "then maybe it could go like: I'm tripping over myself, aching begging you to come help. And now that I'm without your kisses, I'll be needing stitches."

"We're getting somewhere oh my god!" He yells excitedly, smiling from ear to ear. He grabs his pencil and sloppily jots down all of the words we just sang onto a page in his notebook.

"I can work off of this. Thank you so much Sydney!" He pulls me into a hug.

"I'm glad to help Shawn." I wink at him. I stand and walk over to the door. "Oh and Shawn?"

"Hmm?" He hums.

"If you have any more girl trouble, come to me. The boys would give you shitty advice anyways." I wink.

"You've got it." He smiles for what seems like the hundredth time since we came up with a chorus."

I smile back at him and shut the door behind me.

This time when I walk down the stairs the majority of the boys are sitting on the couch talking. I walk over to the edge of the couch and sit on the arm going unnoticed.

"Hey look who finally showed up." A voice says from behind me. NO. I know that voice.

I turn to see a smirking brown-headed boy that I had previously hoped to never see again. Sammy. Why is he here?!

Scared to death I slip off of the arm and into the boy's lap who was sitting beside it. It just so happens to be Carter.

"Hey pretty lady." He raises his eyebrows with every word.

"Not the time Cahtah." Yes, the boys finally made me watch their vines and I find Carter's mom hilarious.

He frowns and goes back got the conversation he was having with Taylor.

I can feel Sam's eyes burning into the back of my head. I look around the room, my eyes locking with Cameron's silently pleading for help.

He returns my look with a confused one and I clear my throat. "I'm going to get some water."

I get off of Cater's lap and slip into the kitchen hoping to be left alone. I take a glass from the clean dishes in the dishwasher and fill it with water sipping slowly.

Why is Sammy here? Who invited him?

I finish the water in my cup and grab a banana. I walk up the stairs again and into my room plopping down on the bed.


Cameron POV

Sydney just gave me a weird look that I didn't understand and walked into the kitchen right after. I feel bad that I haven't talked to her but then again I don't. I can't get attached to her because Matt told all of us that she's off limits after we first met her. But the fact that I can't have her only makes me want her more.

"Guys where's the bathroom I have to piss." I frown at the familiar voice and look up. Sammy? That's what she was trying to tell me. She was scared. Fuck, I'm such an idiot.

"Uh it's upstairs and to the left." Johnson pipes up.

Sydney's upstairs. I'll kill that piece of shit if he even lays a finger on my girls head. Dammit Cam, you can't have her.

I can't worry too much. He wouldn't dare, not when all of us are right downstairs.

My worries about Sydney wash away while engaging myself in conversation with Nash. God, I swear that kid's my best friend for a reason. Even without meaning to he always makes me feel at ease and happy.

After a little while and a lot of laughs the boys start to make their way up to their rooms.

"Oh damn we've been down here for a long time." Nash yawns.

Sammy rushes down the stairs hurriedly but casually if that's possible. "Later guys."

"Who the fuck even invited you?" I say under my breath.  "Has anybody seen Sydney?" I say louder this time.

Everyone shakes their head and resumes what the were doing; but Sam looks like a deer in the headlights.

My blood boils at the thought of him touching her. "You fucking didn't." I growl.

"Maybe I did." He smirks and walks out to his car.

I run up the stairs, taking them in two's and go straight to Sydney's room. I turn the knob, not waiting to see if she'd answer my knocks.

"Sydney?" I call.

I hear muffled sobs coming from within the bathroom. I jiggle the doorknob a little before I realize it's locked.

"Go away Sammy!" She whimpers. She sounds so broken I can feel my heart shattering into tiny pieces.

"It's Cameron." I plead.

After about five minutes I hear shuffling and the bathroom door creaks open revealing a tear stained, half naked Sydney.

"Well what're you waiting for? You can come in." She whispers wiping her nose.

I walk in the space she left between the door and the frame and shut and lock the bathroom door behind me.

A/N: ITS MY BIRTHDAY GUYS lol hope this chapter wasn't too crappy

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