"Benson, just the person I wanted to see!" Lieutenant Tucker said as he walked in. She rolled her eyes which didn't go unnoticed by Amanda who tried to stifle a laugh, slowly Olivia turned around.

"Lieutenant... What can I do for you?" She asked trying to sound way perkier that she felt.

"A word?" He asked. She gestured toward her office and they went inside and shut the door.

"Look if this is about my pregnancy, I already told 1PP it won't be an issue." She said sitting down, thankful to be out of the squad room and away from the smells.

"Relax Sergeant it's not about your pregnancy, by the way, you told your squad yet?"

"...not yet. So to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"What? I can't just pop in?" He asked, joking.

"No. What's going on?"

"Well, I was sniffin around 1PP and the skuttlebutt is they want a Lieutenant in here." Olivia had a look of uncertainty on her face, half shock. "They're not happy with a Sergeant runnin things.

"Last that I checked I was doing a pretty good job... We busted Johnny D's sex trafficking ring, we took down Yates after Chicago botched it..."

"And they've noticed. They're open to the prospect of you stayin on... That's why I told them you already filed for the Lieutenant's exam."

She gave him a look that said pretty clear 'what the fuck, are you kidding me?'

"But I haven't."

"Then don't make a liar out of me." He said, amused. She simply got up from her desk and began walking around her office suddenly feeling nauseated again on top of everything else.

"I'm quite happy with the way things are, thank you.

"Look, they want a Lieutenant and if it's not you, it's gonna be somebody else." He informed her. Now she was getting a headache just thinking about this. She couldn't imagine putting more on her plate right now.

"I don't know what to say!" She said with a hand to her stomach.

"That's a first..." He grinned but she looked at him with a mixture of humor and hate. "Think about it, also, think about who your second whip would be...better you than a blind draw!"


"You'll do fine. Congrats on the baby by the way." And he turned and left, leaving her standing there wondering what she was going to do. She sat down and called home.

"Hey Liv." Lucy said.

"Hey, how's he doing?"

"He actually cried himself to sleep, poor guy." Liv had to stifle the tears that rushed to her eyes.

"He didn't aggravate his asthma did he?" She asked wiping tears.

"No, thank god. But don't worry, I've got his medicine in case he does."

"Yeah..." She couldn't hold back her tears.

"Liv don't cry, he'll be fine! I promise."

"I know, I'm sorry, I'm just really hormonal these days. Uh when he wakes up, if you think it would be a good idea can you call and put him on the phone? If not I'll just see you later."


"Thanks Lucy." She hung up the phone and wiped her eyes again just as someone was knocking. "Come in."

"Hey, just wanted to see how you're doin." Fin said as he came in and closed the door.

"I'm nauseous and my hormones are going crazy!" She said. "And my clothes don't fit!" She said crying.

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