Chapter 21: We Will Fight

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Stefan's POV
Oh my God, why are they here? And how are Pearl and Anna alive? I ask in confusion and concern "What are you guys doing here?" And Damon says "Good to see you too brother. It's been ten years and that's all you have to say to me?"

Before I can say anything, Jay comes over and hugs me as he says "Man, I can't believe you did all this for me. Thank you!" I smile and reply "You're welcome Jay. You deserve it. Hey, could you take the twins with you for a while?" Jay says "Sure. No problem, bro."

I smile at him then I put Andy down while Freya puts Emmy down. I tell them "Stay with your Godfather, okay?" They say "Okay!" Then go with Jay. But before they do, Emmy asks "Would you two like to join us?" She says to, I guess would be Hope and Mariana.

The one clinging onto Katherine says "Sure!" The one behind Klaus says "Cool with me. Bye daddy and mommy." They both go with the twins. I ask Jay before he follows after the kids "Hey bud, you don't mind watching them do you?" And he answers "Nah, it's okay." He pats my shoulder and I do the same. Jay says "Good luck!" I nod my head, then he goes into the other room.

After I see him go in the other room, I look towards everyone and they have shocked faces while Damon looks pissed and jealous. Oh please. Freya asks, angry "What are you all doing here?" And Klaus says "Well, hello to you to sister."

Freya scoffs "Oh please. Six years and now you want to come and play the role of my brother? Forget it!" I see him walk towards her, but I push her behind me protectively, so now it's me and Klaus that are face to face.

I see him widen his eyes in shock and I look towards the others and they have the same face expression, except Pearl and Anna. Anna says "Okay, both of you knock it off. This isn't the time. Stefan please, just listen to us. It's important."

I ask "Can't it wait till tomorrow? We're kind of in the middle of something right now." Damon says, jealous "Oh right. Your brother's birthday party, right?" I roll my eyes at him and Pearl says "Stefan, I'm afraid this can not wait. Please!" I think for a minute then look back at Freya and she nods her head along with the others.

I say "Okay, let's go upstairs." I see Amelia walk towards us and ask "Is everything okay?" And I say "Yeah, I think so. Amy, could you take care of the party for me? So, I can find out what the hell is up?" She says "Of course." Annie and Troy give her the cameras so she can keep recording and taking pictures.

I ask "And can you keep a close eye on the twins for us?" I say that last part gesturing between Freya and I. She says "Yeah. Good luck!" I mouth to her "Thanks." She nods her head and walks away into the other room, where everyone including Jay and the twins are.

I motion for everyone to follow me upstairs. While we are walking upstairs, everyone is dancing including Jay. He is dancing the night away and everyone is clapping for him. I smile at him along with Freya.

Damon claps his hands and says with jealousy still laced in his voice "HEY! Remember? Got an emergency to tell ya." I roll my eyes at him then we all walk upstairs and to my old room.

After we get into the room, Elena says "Wait, whose room is this?" She says pointing at Isaiah's room, the one across from us. I say "Jay's son." They all look at me in shock. I guess they thought Jay was single. I ask "Why are you guys here? And how are you two alive?" I ask that last question looking at Anna and Pearl.

Anna says "We will explain everything, but you might want to sit down for it." That's what me, the others, and Freya do. When we do, Anna says "Okay..." she explains everything.

How Dahlia and Silas are alive again and they brought her and Pearl back to life and how they are building an army against me and Freya. Like the 12 hybrids and witches and worst of all, the tomb vampires.

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