Chapter 14: Wedding Day

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Stefan's POV
Today is the big day. Freya will be officially mine and I will be hers. I hear the door open and I see Greg and Gabby. Greg says "Me and Gabby have a surprise for you." I look at them curiously and then I see, Caroline. Caroline Forbes— my best friend, walk through the door.

I smile and she smiles too and runs and gives me a hug and I hug back. She says "Congratulations Stefan. I told you there was another girl out there for you. And I'm glad you finally found her."

We pull away and I smile at her and she does the same. I hear Gabby say "Okay, you guys can catch up after the wedding. The show begins in six minutes. Stefan? Go get in position. Caroline? Come with me to help the bride."

Care says "Alright! Come on." They leave to go help Freya. Greg asks "Are you ready, baby bro?" And I say "I absolutely am. Let's do this." We go and get into our positions.

Freya's POV
Oh My God! I'm getting married in five minutes. I am happy, yet nervous. I think I'm gonna be sick. I see Gabby, Savannah, Sarianna, and Annie walk in with some blonde girl.

Gabby asks "Freya? Are you okay?" And I say a little fast "No. I'm a nervous wreck. I mean, what if something goes wrong? What if he changes his mind?" Savannah says "Frey, none of that will happen." I ask "Are you sure?" And Annie says "Absolutely."

I smile and ask, realizing the blonde girl here "Who is this?" Gabby says "This is, Caroline Forbes. The girl back in Mystic Falls." Oh right, Caroline. Stefan's best friend. I feel a little jealous right now, but I shake it off.

I say "Nice to meet you, Caroline. My name is Freya. Freya Mikaelson." I see her go into shock and look at Gabby. Gabby says "Yeah, she's the eldest Mikaelson. It's a long story. Explain later. Now, it's show time. Come on, Freya." She grabs my hand and we walk out and see Kol there.

I look at Gabriella and she and Kol start to tense up a bit. I ask "Hi Kol, is everything okay?" And he answers "Yeah. I was just wondering if you wanted me. To. Walk. You. Down. The. Isle?" He pauses during that sentence a little.

I am so happy that he asked that. I say "Yes. I would love that!" He smiles and I smile too. He holds out his arm for me to take and I do. We hear the music begin and it's my favorite song by Brian McKnight called "Only One for Me".

After we hear the music begin, we start to walk out and I see the decorations and they are beautiful. As we are walking, I see Stefan and he looks so handsome. I look behind me and I see Gabby smiling at me while walking behind us and holding the back of my dress.

As we make it to the isle, I look at Stefan and I see him smile at me, then I smile back. Kol starts walking me down the isle. As we are walking towards Stefan, I am enjoying the music by Brian McKnight, while keeping my eyes on the love of my life.

Two minutes later, I am finally at the alter and I take Stefan's hands as he takes mine. The priest that is marrying us says "Ladies and gentlemen. We are here on this glorious day to witness the union of Stefan Salvatore and Freya Mikaelson. Please repeat after me. I Stefan Salvatore..."

Stefan repeats "I, Stefan Salvatore, take you Freya Mikaelson as my wife. To have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer. In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

I smile and repeat what he says "I, Freya Mikaelson, take you Stefan Salvatore as my husband. To have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer. In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

Stefan smiles at me and the priest asks Stefan "Now, do you, Stefan Salvatore, take Freya Mikaelson to be your wife? To have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer. In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?" Stefan looks me in my eyes and smiles and says "I do!" I smile back at him.

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