Chapter Seventy-Nine

Start from the beginning

I sigh, "Two more months." I say, rubbing my belly, feeling her movements.

"Or sooner."

I shake my head, "Nope. I'll keep my legs closed until at least the beginning of February if I have to." I tell him.

Peeta bursts out laughing, "You're crazy."

"Tell me about it." I laugh.

"You're so cute, Katniss. Did you know that?"

I scoff, "I actually did know that. Did you know that you're the cutest thing to ever happen?"

He chuckles, "I think you'll have other thoughts when Willow is born."

I grin, he's probably right.

"I would just have to think you're the cutest in a different way than Willow." I wink.

"Here you go." The waitress says, bringing us our drinks.

"Thank you." I smile.

"No problem. Your food will be out soon."

I nod my head and she looks down at my belly, "Do you know what it is?" She asks.

"It's a girl." I say, looking at Peeta who just smiles crookedly.

"Congratulations." The waitress smiles genuinely and walks away.

Peeta stares at me.

"What?" I laugh.

"Nothing, you're right about this all seeming too good to be true."

I smirk, "Well, it's all because of you." I tell him truthfully.

If he wouldn't have done everything he's done then we wouldn't be here.

If he wouldn't have been determined to become friends the first day, we wouldn't be here.

"No." He laughs, shaking his head, "I think it's because we do really love each other."

"We do. I've never been more sure about anything." I admit.

"Me either." He nods.

About ten minutes later, the waitress brings us our food.

It looks delicious and I'm half way tempted to just eat it with my hands.

I'm starving.

"Thank you." Peeta says and the waitress grins as she walks away.

I look at Peeta and he nods for me to start eating so I do.

I eat my salad, which is absolutely amazing so far if I may add.

"Slow down." Peeta teases me.

I feel my face heat up, "Sorry, I'm just starving."

"I still don't know how you've never made yourself sick eating that fast, especially while you've been pregnant." He tells me.

I shrug, "Sorry, it's just I can't help it."

"I know you can't. I just don't want you to puke it up or feel bad later." Peeta tells me and I know that's true.

"Thanks." I shrug my shoulders.

He gives me a sad smile and continues to properly eat his stew.

Peeta POV-

"Sweetie, you got a little piece of cheese on the side of your mouth, there." I say, pointing it out.

Katniss laughs and wipes it away.

She is such a slob sometimes but she's absolutely beautiful and I can't help but fall more deeply in love with her over it.

"What'd you get me for Christmas? You brat." Katniss wiggles her eyebrows at me.

I laugh, "I can't tell you."

"Is it for me or Willow?"

"I got you both things."

She smiles, "Good. I got you both stuff too." She laughs.

"I figured."

"It felt so much better using my own money instead of yours." She tells me, a guilty look crossing her face.

I know she feels guilty that I've supported us a lot but that's what I want. She doesn't have to work and I don't want her to because if she's at home then it's less likely something will happen to her. But I don't care what she does, if she works or not but it's assuring because I did save up all that money for my future family. I don't mind one bit, I'm just so thankful that my parents had that money and I'm getting it.

It's gonna pay for a new bakery, plus anything Willow could ever need.

I shrug, not really knowing what to say to that, but I'm proud she went out and got a job.

"How come I can't know what you got Willow?" Katniss asks with a smirk.

"Because right now, you and Willow are together and I don't want you to tell her." I tease her, obviously that response was silly.

Katniss laughs, "Then you can't know what I got Willow either."

"Why?" I chuckle.


I smile widely, shaking my head at her, "Good enough answer."

Katniss smiles at me.

"Hurry up and eat that stew, Bread Boy."

I laugh, "Bread Boy, again. Huh?"

She scrunches her nose up, "Yes."

"Are you gonna let me take Willow to work with me?"

Katniss nods, "When she starts crawling and walking, absolutely."

"So, I can chase her around instead of you?"

"That's right."

"I wouldn't mind it." I tell her truthfully.

"I know you wouldn't, but I guess if you want, I could visit you too..."

"I would love that, you know that."

She grins, "Good."

I push my bowl of stew over to her, knowing she was eyeing it.

Her face drops, "No, you eat it."

"I don't want it. I'm too excited to eat it and I bet you want it..." I say.

It's her favorite and I'm surprised she didn't order it, but I did because I know she would want it.

It's literally as if her stomach grows with Willow but heck, she's pregnant, she can have whatever she wants to eat, within reason.

"No." Katniss says, pushing it back.

"Katniss, I seriously don't want it." I tell her truthfully, it was a huge bowl and I'm stuffed and she's been eyeing it.

I put it back in front of her, "Please?"

She sighs, as if eating this would kill her.

"Fine." Katniss says and digs in.

I watch her try to slowly eat the rest of the food and hold back my laughter. Not laughter at her, just at how happy I am and how much I love her and love seeing this. I don't know how to explain it.


I shake my head, "Nothing. I'm just watching you."

"Don't." She laughs.

"What else am I suppose to do?"

"Talk to me."

I laugh, shrugging my shoulders.

"How are you?" I ask her.

"Perfectly fine. How about yourself?" Katniss smirks.

"Perfect." I say, because I really don't know how else to explain what I feel.

Katniss just smiles softly at me and picks at the rest of her food.

"Are you ready? We still have some fun to have before we go to bed."

"Yeah." Katniss smiles.

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now