“All right, get in,” Izo smirked.

Etsuo let out a smug cheer. He opened the door to the back seat to stuff the guitar in before easing himself into the passenger seat.

“Heard Yasu got back. I didn’t even realize she left,” Etsuo said sarcastically.

Most people would find Etsuo’s tone offensive, but Izo knew he was just being his normal himself.

“Yes. She really loves to travel. She’s at home now bonding with her best friend.”

“Now who is this best friend?” Etsuo asked, his interest piqued.

Izo arched an eyebrow, keeping his eyes on the road. “Since when did you learn how to tease about girls?”

Etsuo grinned. “Since now. Is she your sister’s age?”


“And is she pretty?”

“Are you seriously asking that question?” Izo’s tone in complete disbelief. Wanting to change the topic, “What took you so long to get the guitar?” Izo wondered out loud.

“So why haven’t you told us anything about your business with Sasako?” Etsuo began his interrogation. “We haven’t heard from you since you last went to my place. Sonya’s curious. But she didn’t want to ask.”

“I told her I wouldn’t interfere.”

“And are you not interfering?”

“Of course.”

Izo stepped on the gas when the road cleared.

“Well, good—”

“But I’m keeping a close eye,” Izo interrupted before he could finish his sentence.

“What for? You don’t trust the Jiro guy?”

“I don’t.”

Izo shifted gears and overtook a white Kia Pride trundling at the speed of a bicycle.

“People shouldn’t drive if they’re not going to follow the minimum speed limit,” Etsuo snorted, as he looked back and watch the Kia turn into a dot. “So,” he began again, facing the open road, and then looking back at Izo. “Plans?”

“Just keeping an eye on him.”

Etsuo drew a breath.

“Sasako? Really? Why?”

Etsuo obviously had no intentions of letting the Sasako issue rest and he also didn’t bother to mask the dissatisfied and dumbstruck tone of his voice. Sasako was all right. But… Enormously annoying. Izo gave him a quick glance and smiled a defeated, crooked smile.

A few minutes of casual silence passed.

“And you? How is your new roommate?” Izo asked, his attempt successful at distracting Etsuo from answering the question. Izo decided the topic was futile. And Etsuo wouldn’t understand anyhow.

 “What do you mean how’s my new roommate?” Etsuo knew he didn’t have to be stunned by this question, but he was.

Izo frowned at Etsuo, then looked back at the road. “I mean what’s going on? Did she tell you why she was staying at your apartment?”

“Didn’t she say so already?” It was Etsuo’s turn to frown.

“You really believe that she just wants to be independent?”

“I—“ Etsuo started. “What are you trying to imply? I don’t understand. Should there be any other reason?”

Izo exhaled a long, tired sigh. He chose not to explain and allow Etsuo to learn it himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2013 ⏰

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