Cyclops And Happy Meals

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Will looked skeptically at Nico, who was eating his way through his third happy meal.
" You know, that's really unhealthy for you..."
" M-hmmm " Nico just kept on chewing his burger while Will looked at him with a small smile on his pretty face.
45 minutes later the couple walked down the street, hand in hand. A big bald guy looked strangely at the two boys. ' for real?'  Nico thought, it wasn't like it was the first homophob Nico had come across, but it still hurt, every time someone looked at him like he was disgusting, like he was a lesser being just cause he wasn't dating a girl.

 He shook it off and looked at Will. He had a freckle on his nose that Nico liked quite well, it was sort of heart shaped. Not that he would ever admit to notice stuff like that.

He looked at a shop window, and his eye cought the big bald man in the reflection again.
" Will, I think...I think we're being followed...!" He whispered,
Will looked over his shoulder.
" This way " he lead Nico over to another street, with more people on. After a little while they forgot all about the man and spend the rest of the day looking at shop windows and drinking hot chocolate in cafè l'amour.
On their way home to camp they spotted the big guy again, this time he had two friends with him...
They started walking a little faster when, suddenly, Nico realized, they were all alone in the alley, exept for the three big men. Nico grabbed his sword, ready to pull it out as the men came closer. Suddenly they were no longer three men but three very tall, very big cyclops. Their eyes turned in to a big red one in the middle of their ugly faces, they grew two feet taller and smiled evilly all on the same time.

Nico drew his sort out, and Wills backpack turned into a bow and arrows. Immediately Nico went into battlemode, the guy who had been stalking them was the biggest, the one on his left a bit smaller, and the one to the right, the smallest, not even fully grown.
Before Nico could even do anything Will shot the smaller one in the head, right in the eye then again in the belly.
" Groam doesn't like Blondy " he yelled and pulled the arrow from his belly.
Nico ran towards him and cut him in half before it could attack them and Groam became a pile of dust. The two other cyclops roared and swang their clubs. Nico took the first one, cut him in the legs and when it fell to its knees, he decapitated it.
Will had trouble with the other one, he was a healer rather than a warrior. Nico ran over to help his boyfriend, he stabbed the cyclop in the back with his dagger and Will ran it through with an arrow.
Immediately after all three monsters were reduced into a pile of yellow dust Will collapsed.
Nico dragged his boyfriend over to the nearest wall and into the shadows they went, a second later they were standing on the porch of the big house, right next to Chiron and mr. D. Who was arguing over something unimportant. Or rather, Nico was standing while trying to hold up the other boy.
" Help " Nico whispered before he too collapsed, he still hadn't got completely over his shadow travel journeys with Reyna and coach Hedge.

Two days later Nico woke up covered in white sheets, Wills hand in his.
" Oh my Gods, Nico, I'm so glad to see you... Conscious" Will said still holding his hand, his face suddenly changed.
" You're a complete idiot! I told you not to shadow travel! You're too wea..."
Nico shut him up by kissing him.

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