He's my angel

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Update yay!

Okay so I wanted you guys to kinda get to know me before I started this haha.

Okay so my name is Katlynn or Kate for short.

I live in a not-so-cool state. But I do live in the USA 🇺🇸

I've been here for a little over five years now! Not wattpad but the fandom.

I'm a Liam girl but from time to time my inner Harry, Zayn, Louis, and Niall girl like to pop out.

Okay if you want to know any more things that don't get too personal then comment and I'll gladly answer them!

I feel like Liam is literally an angel. He's saved lives so... I know he's saved mine. My love for him is greater than the love I have for myself.

I like to just think of him when I'm sad. Go on and shut the world down and just day dream or something about him.

He's just so cute and he's that type of person you want to cuddle with all day.

Most people (like myself) that love their idols and see someone saying shit about them that isn't true would stick up for their idol and just leave a simple comment or something saying that "It's not true" or "You can't just bash on someone else's idol because your idol is doing some shit to get them in trouble" or something like that like when Justin got in a lot of trouble and I know recently the thing about Ariana happened and some people were trying to bash on one direction to get all the stuff away from Ariana.

Anyways enough talking about hate.

What makes you happy?

What makes me happy is seeing my idols happy.

Also this person I've been talking to for a while but we are going off topic....

Anyways lets get back to Liam shall we?

He's literally just so amazing and cute and just ugh can I have him please?

What if you could just ask for your idol and you get them?

I would die because then I'd get to meet Liam 😍

Liam has taken over my life haha.

It's so hard to write a decent chapter because this isn't like a book it's just like a rant book lol

I will probably make a Liam book anyway just so I could get used to writing a book or something haha.
This is probably really boring for you guys and I'm sorry!!

I should end it here!

All the love as always :) xx


Shout out to any of my friends who read this!! Leave a comment because ily 💖

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