Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Like any loving parent, the Father can only admonish and counsel His children so much. We make our choices and live with them.

Adagio St. John's Journal


It is just after dawn when Greg pulls the large white delivery truck up to the tall, barbwire-topped fence protecting the mountain camp. This is opposite the way that he entered the very first time he came. Over time he had helped to put up the fence and others continue to extend it. They plan to completely enclose the camp to help protect what will be one of the Lord's celestial cities because it will house some of Heavenly Father's most obedient. How grateful Greg is to be found worthy enough to be included.

Pulling up behind Greg in a minivan is a family of four–a husband and wife and their twin sixteen-year-old son and daughter. The family lived two doors down from Greg's apartment building. The father had received revelation to take his family away and had heeded the prompting.

When Greg woke up to find Evangeline's text, the pain in his heart had been excruciating. He had immediately gotten dressed and rushed over to their place, hoping against hope that maybe it was a mistake, but the house was locked up and silent. He walked around the back and stood in the yard, feeling completely lost. God had led him to his daughter and now she was gone. It was almost more than he could bear. Then came the Savior's comforting voice.

Heed my word and you will see her again.

"Thy will be done, Lord," he declared.

With the Lord's will firmly instilled in his mind, Greg acquired the truck, then spent a good part of the morning loading The St. John's storage. When he finished, he headed home to pack a bag, making a stop along the way to purchase a tent and camping equipment, as well as some other things he was prompted to buy. He did not question anything, he just obeyed.

As he was leaving his apartment for good, the McDonald family pulled up in their minivan and said they were counseled to follow him.

And now here they are.

Greg tells the two armed men at the gate who he is and they open it and let him and the family in, promptly locking it behind them. He parks the truck in a dirt area and grabs his backpack, sleeping bag, tent, and another large duffle bag. He would need to bring back help for the food. The McDonalds grab their things and follow Greg through the dry, high grassy field and into the trees.

The camp is quite a ways and Greg has to slow his step a little. He is anxious to make it to camp, but he can't get too far ahead of the McDonalds, so he forces himself to steady his pace, which is no easy thing.

Because he knows what awaits him at the camp.

His family.

* * *

As I promised myself I would, I get up with Adagio and ready myself for the day. The leftover biscuit from last night's dinner helps to keep the nausea at bay until breakfast.

While Adagio is out helping where he is needed, I tidy up the tent. When he gets back, he compliments me on my housekeeping skills, making me laugh. I tell him it isn't very hard.

I need to establish a routine, and I decide that from now on while Adagio is out helping around the camp, I will do school with Dagio. He is reading well and his spelling is excellent. When Adagio comes back, he will go over the math with him. Then we will read scriptures together. Adagio says it sounds like a great routine.

A while later, new people enter the camp from the opposite direction we came. As they get closer, I can see that it is a family. They are following an attractive older gentleman. The man carries himself like an experienced leader. Everyone in the group is loaded down with a backpack and camping gear.

As Eban heads out to greet them, Dagio shoots past us yelling, "Grandpa Greg!" and I gasp.

"Greg!" My voice is a whisper. Adagio puts an arm around me.

"Yes," he affirms, joy filling his voice. "That is Greg, angel."

I watch Greg drop everything and catch Dagio in his arms, lifting him and hugging him close. Dagio wraps his arms around his neck.

After a moment, Greg puts Dagio down, shakes hand with Eban (they seem to know each other already) and introduces the family. Eban then calls the men to come and help unload the truck Greg drove up.

"Come," Adagio says, taking my hand.

When Greg looks our way, tears fill his eyes and he smiles.

Adagio hugs him. "We're so glad to see you."

"I'm glad to see you too."

When Adagio leaves to go help the men, Greg turns to me and gently says my name. He opens his arms and I move into his embrace. Then I hold onto him and cry.

"I didn't think we would see you again," I say against his shoulder.

"I know. I was afraid of that too. But I was wrong to doubt." He releases an emotional chuckle. "And now you know what I have been doing since I moved here."

I draw back and touch his wet face. "You look just like Adagio described." I smile at his widening hazel eyes.

"Do you mean . . ."

"Yes. I can see."

"But . . . how?"

"I was healed on Christmas night."

"That's amazing!" He hugs me again. "It's a miracle!"

"I am sure there will be many more. In fact . . . I already have a second miracle growing inside me."

Greg sucks in a breath. "Really? You're going to have a baby?"

"I am."

"Well, that explains it," he murmurs.

"Explains what?"

He smiles, pressing a hand to my cheek and squeezing the other. "I will tell you later. In fact, I need to tell you something else as well."

"Okay." I squeeze his hand. "I'm so glad you're here."

"So am I, Evangeline. So am I."

Journey's End - The Final Book of the Legacy Saga Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora