Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

God knows what we can handle and what we cannot.

So it stands to reason that with God, there is nothing we cannot handle.

Adagio St. John's Journal

Throughout the afternoon, I do what I can to help around the camp, saying hello and getting to know the others in the group. And Adagio was right. Dan is a wonderful person and his kids are adorable. I'm so glad Dagio has friends here and will not feel so alone. And hopefully when the official invitation to gather has been extended, there will be many more children here.

I also get to know Eban's wife, Kay. She is a sweet lady who oozes love and has captured the heart of every person here.

Dinnertime is a simple meal of beef stew, biscuits, and Dutch oven cobbler that I helped Kay prepare. I am sure we will need more kitchen help once more people begin to arrive. During cleanup, I become a little nauseated, which prompts me to share our baby news with Kay. She is happy for us and gives me a few extra biscuits to take to our tent to nibble on.

Exhaustion finally hits me and I retire to our tent early. I worry about not doing my fair share and promise myself I will get up in the morning when Adagio does. I spread out our sleeping bags, zipping mine and Adagio's together again, then I change into warm pajamas and crawl inside.

But as tired as I feel, I can't seem to shut my mind off. So many thoughts and concerns tumble in my head. About the baby. About our future.

I am no longer worried, but the baby will need so many things. Adagio had packed a pouch of emergency cash, as well as a stash of silver dollar pieces he'd started buying as soon as we moved back to Utah. But without access to things like cloth diapers, blankets, and baby clothes, and even maternity clothing, the money will be useless. Even though I knew before we came that pregnancy was a possibility, I hadn't thought of these things because there had not been time.

Clearing my thoughts, I smile. Not to worry, the Lord will provide. He always does. And I figure if the pioneer women could do it, so can I.

"Where are you?" Adagio's beloved voice draws me from my thoughts. He changes into a pair of sweat pants and slips into the sleeping bag behind me, drawing me into his warm embrace.

"I'm here. Just thinking about how bless I am, and how I know God will bless us with what we need."

"He will," he agrees, nuzzling the back of my neck.

"Where's Dagio?" I ask.

"He is with Alicia and Brad. Dan said he would send him back by bedtime."

"Dagio's definitely attached to them."

"I am sure they will be the best of friends through the coming years. He will need them. They will need each other."

"Do you think many will come?"

"I don't know, amore," he sighs. "When the brethren finally send out the call to gather, it will definitely be a test of faith. Many will not want to leave their home and the comforts they are used to. The majority will likely have the mindset that things are good for them now and will want to wait until they think things are bad enough to leave instead of leaving when they are counseled to. By the time they make the choice to leave, it will be far worse for them than if they had listened in the first place. The Father will not turn His back on them, but choices bear consequences and they will lose some of the blessings."

"I pray they will listen."

"I pray for that as well."

For a few moments, we are silent, listening to the sound the camp. The echo of muted voices is soothing.

"I know it has only been a day, but you know what I really miss?" I finally ask.

"Yes," he says, kissing my ear. "Music."

"You, too?"

"Si, amore. Me, too."

Dagio finally enters the tent. We turn on the flashlight and spend a few minutes listening to him tell us about his time with Alicia and Brad. Then he changes and we all pray together before he snuggles into his sleeping bag close to me.

Just on the edge of sleep, "I murmur to Adagio, "You know what else I miss?"

Tightening his embrace, he murmurs back, "Greg."


Journey's End - The Final Book of the Legacy Saga Book 3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें