Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The gospel truly is a shelter from the storm.

Adagio St. John's Journal

When I finally awaken, I am briefly disoriented. Adagio is not beside me, and for a moment, I panic. Then I hear the gentle cadence of his heavily-accented voice just outside the tent and my heart calms.

Dagio is still snuggled against me and I give in to the urge to caress his dark curls, freshly amazed by how beautiful he is. Trying not to wake him, I slowly sit up. As I do, a wave of nausea instantly hits me and I lay back down. Closing my eyes, I swallow against the rising sickness. Looking up at the ceiling of the tent, my vision blurs as tears trail back into my hair. I have been sick the past couple of days and my period is three weeks late, but I dared not think too much about it. We have tried for so long to have another baby, and I didn't think it would ever happen. But there is no doubt in my mind now.

My tears are a mixture of joy and worry. I am more grateful than I can say for the blessing of bringing another child into the world, but he or she won't have an easy time of it. None of us will. Dealing with a pregnancy in this situation will be a trial. However it is a trial I will gladly accept. In my heart I know that God knows this. He always has.

Slowly sitting up again, I get out of the sleeping bag, crawl over to my backpack, and fish for a pack of cheese crackers. I eat a few and wash them down with a few sips of water, hoping it will be enough to calm my stomach.

Taking a brush and comb from the backpack, I try to do something with my hair. I end up pulling it up into a loose bun. Having bought a pregnancy test last week, I'd slipped it into my pack before we left the house. I quickly find it and stuff it into my small hygiene bag, put on my shoes, and slip out of the tent.

Adagio is over at the far end of the pavilion right now, taking with Eban and another man. When he looks in my direction, I wave and he says something to the men before quickly making his way over to me.

"Dolcezza, how are you feeling?" he asks, taking me in his arms.

"Fine," I say, not wanting to complain. I caress his stubbly cheek. "Did you get enough sleep?"

"I did. Eban has been filling me in on everything. I will tell you when you get back."


I make my way to the portable bathroom and take the test, not surprised by the positive result. Now I just worry about how Adagio will take the news. Deep down, I know he will be happy, but I also know he will worry for me and I don't want that. I don't want to be a burden. There goes my whole 'getting stronger' scenario.

I quickly wash my face and hands and brush my teeth before making my way back to the tent.

"Where is Dagio?" I ask Adagio. His sleeping bag is rolled up and placed next to the suitcase.

"He is out playing. A new family arrived while we were sleeping. I met them earlier. It is a father with two young children Dagio's age. His name is Dan. His wife left him and the church a year ago and never came back. He heeded the prompting to come as well."

"That poor man. This must be so hard for him."

"He said it has been, but it is easy to see he has strong faith. His son and daughter are very sweet, full of the innocent curiosity that comes with being a child."

"I'll have to meet them later. I'm sure we will be meeting new people frequently, at least I hope so." My thoughts suddenly shift to Greg and a profound sadness fills me. What must he have felt when he received my text and read that we left so suddenly? And with no explanation.

All I can do is have faith that we will see him again, if it is God's will. Still, I can't help the sadness I feel. I miss him already. I still don't understand how I can feel so attached to him.

As nausea rolls through my insides again, I experience an emotional spike and I lie on my side, unable to stop the tears from coming.

"Evangeline?" He lays down beside me, taking me in his arms. "Sweetheart, what is it? What's wrong?"

Drawing back, I caress his face, allowing my gaze to roam over his handsome features. They are still new, yet they are so familiar. Last night I spent so much time staring at him, I now know every line of his face. Every contour. How I love looking at him! I am an emotional mess, yet truly being able to see his beloved face, as well as our son's, brings me an indescribable joy. I continue to touch him, lightly pressing my fingers over his lips. I need to tell him, and there is only one way to do that.

"Adagio . . . I'm pregnant."

* * *


Various feelings and emotions flow through Adagio's head, but one stands prominently at the forefront of his mind and heart.


Absolute and indescribable joy!

Adagio hadn't known if they would ever be blessed with another child, Heavenly Father works on His own timetable, and it seems now is the time. He won't question why. He won't give place to fears and the trials they will face, and the fact that it will be doubly hard for Evangeline. He will only concentrate on the fact that they have been given a gift, and be grateful for it."

Adagio stares into his wife's eyes, wiping her tears. "Amore, this baby is a gift, one that I will be eternally grateful for. I know it will be hard, but God will be with us. He will be with you. As will I." He smiles and draws her close, whispering against her ear, "I'm so happy, angel."

I hold onto my husband, crying against his neck. "Are you really happy?" I ask, drawing back a little.

"Very happy."

"So am I."

And I really am. Deep down I know we will be watched over. The Savior promised me He will always be with me.

And I know with absolute certainty He will carry me through this.

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