Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Not my will, but thine, be done." Those were the greatest and most empowering words ever spoken.

Adagio St. John's Journal

"I have decided to sell the company." Mom's announcement comes as a major surprise.

"Really? I thought the company was doing so well now."

"It is. In fact, we've been so successful, I was made an offer by an old rival. Everything inside me is telling me to take it. I prayed about it and the feeling was even stronger."

"Then I guess you should sell."

"I have also been thinking about serving a temple mission."

"Really?" I cry, excited. "Oh, Mother, I think that's an awesome idea!"

"Oh, good. Because I have an appointment with my bishop this evening. Although, with things the way they are in the world, I wonder how much longer before they have to call the missionaries home."

"Hopefully, not for a little while yet."

"I hope so too. I'm really looking forward to serving."

"You will be wonderful."

Mother plays with Dagio for a while, then heads back to her office to make the call and accept the offer. She promises to call me and let me know how it goes, as well as share the outcome of the meeting with her bishop.

* * *

I have just put Dagio to bed when Greg stops by. We haven't talked to him since Sunday. He brings us some pastries from my favorite Italian bakery and thanks us again for dinner. Despite his protests, we decide to make each Wednesday and Sunday a standing dinner date.

"I don't want to put you out," he says.

"You're not putting us out," Adagio assures him.

"And just give up," I tell him. "You're not getting out of it."

He laughs and says, "Okay, okay, you win," finally giving in. "Your wife is very persuasive, Adagio."

"I know. Which is why I can never say no to her."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Well . . ."

"I'm right here, guys," I say and they laugh.

"Thank you," Greg says, his voice sobering. "Your friendship means more than I can say."

I smile, reaching out for his hand and he gives mine a squeeze. "The feeling is mutual."

* * *

Just before we go to bed, Mother calls. She says the company will be sold in a week. She feels good about her decision and so do we.

Her meeting with her bishop went well, but after some pondering and prayer, she has decided that instead of a temple mission, she is going to pray about where she can be of service and just go and help out wherever God chooses. I am so proud of her for her faith. She promises to keep us posted.

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