Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I am always amazed at God's ways. We have been taught that His ways are not ours, and no matter what happens, He is still in charge. I am as sure of that truth as I am of anything, and I relish it.

Adagio St. John's Journal

It is a very early Sunday morning when our bedroom door cracks open and Dagio sticks his head in.

"Mama, Papa, are you awake?"

"We are now," Adagio answers sleepily and I snort softly.

"Come on in, honey," I tell him. We need to be getting up anyway to get ready for church. Dagio gets into our bed, squirming under the sheet between us. I run my fingers through his soft curls, unruly from sleep.

"I had a dream."

"What did you dream?" Adagio asks.

"I dreamed about Jesus."

Adagio reaches over and squeezes my hand.

"Tell us about it," I urge him. My voice is almost a whisper, my heart racing as a familiar reverent warmth surrounds us.

"He said He loves our family, and that no matter what, He will be with me, and you and Papa. He promised."

"What did you say?" Adagio asks.

"I said I believed Him. Then He hugged me and I woke up."

For a brief moment, we say nothing, each of us immersed in thought. That we believe our son is without question. He has always been very perceptive and sensitive to spiritual things. There have been many times in the past that he has seen those that are unseen, both good and evil spirits, and he has always been comforted enough by the good ones to not be too disturbed by the others. It was from him that we truly learned the reality of spirits being all around us.

Caressing his hair, I tell him, "The Lord is always mindful of us and will see us through whatever comes. If He promised you, then He will keep that promise. Okay?"


"Is there anything else you want to talk about?" Adagio asks.

"No, I just wanted to tell you that."

"We're glad you did."

"I love you, Papa."

"I love you too."

He wraps his arms around me. "I love you, Mama."

Kissing his brow, I say, "I love you too. Now let's get you some breakfast and get ready for church."

Dagio grins and bounces out of bed and quickly heads downstairs to eat. We keep a supply of his favorite frosted wheat cereal and he usually wolfs down a couple of bowls before I even get the eggs done. He definitely has a healthy appetite. I get up and put on a robe and Adagio pulls on some shorts.

"You know," he says, "no matter how many times it happens to us, it still amazes me."

"Me too."

He draws me into his arms and I bury my face against his neck. I love the way he smells. No matter the time of day, his smell is always irresistible. "Do you think God will tell us why we are here soon?" I ask.

"When it is time," he answers, pulling me further into himself. "We will know when it is time."

* * *

As Adagio and I sit down in Sunday school class, he tells me there are a lot of empty seats, which is expected since sacrament meeting attendance today was so low. Normally it could be attributed to people being out of town for the holidays, but according to Rand, Adagio's home teaching companion and our ward clerk, attendance has slowly been declining for a while now. That thought saddens me. With the state of the world, we all need God in our lives more now than ever. Yet somehow, many can't seem to see that, or they choose not to.

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