The Crew: Great America

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Slight Warning: There are two hidden small spoilers that you probably won't even notice or understand if you haven't read Cress so don't worry. I'd still read this if I haven't read Cress because the spoilers are REALLY SMALL and not very NOTICEABLE.


"Guys, we need to stick together," Cinder started off.

"Yeah. No one can wonder off and if we want to go to a certain place, let the majority of us know. And we should have planned out what rides to go on first," Kai explained.

"Now I know why they're queen and king," Thorne nudged Cress as she giggled.

"Or, they're king and queen because everyone knew they would be better at ruling a country than you would ever be," Scarlet smirked as she realized her sass had rolled in and slapped Thorne on the face.

"Oooo, do you need some Aloe Vera for that burn, Thorne?" Cinder added as she and Scarlet high-fived. Thorne glared at everyone as they all laughed.

"Anyways," Wolf started to say as everyone quieted down, "as you were saying, Kai?"

"Oh, that was basically it. But what ride do you guys want to go on first?" Kai questioned everyone.


"The Devil's Drop!"

"Vertical Velocity!"

"Raging Bull!"




"Batma- Wait, Cress, did you just say you don't want to go on any?" Thorne turned to a worried looking Cress that was trying to hide her face with her hair even though it was practically impossible due to the fact that her hair was cut too short to do so.

"Um...maybe?" Cress felt shyness wash over her and all eyes were on her. She was comfortable with the clan, of course, but when all eyes were on her and waiting for an answer, she felt awkward.

"What? How is that even humanly possible?" Jacin questioned, disgusted by the fact she didn't want to go one of his favorite types of rides.

"Well, I-uh, I just don't like them. They scare me and remind me too much of when Thorne and I were falling to Ear-"

"Oh," Thorne nodded understanding as he cut off Cress.

"Yeah," Cress awkwardly smiled.

"I can stay back with Cress and try to convince her to go on one of the roller coasters," Thorne suggested in which everyone nodded.

"So, the closet roller coaster to us is...Raging Bull!" Kai shouted. The majority of the group scampered off as Thorne and Cress stayed back.

* * *

"Welcome to Raging Bull! Please put all handheld items in the bin to..."

"Do you want me to take your bag?" Wolf asked Scarlet as they got closer to the roller coaster.

"Sure," Scarlet handed Wolf her medium-sized bag and he set the bag on the side in the bin along with his own personal items.

Scarlet and Wolf both sat in their designated area, which was in the third row from the front. Cinder and Kai were two rows behind Wolf and Scarlet, while Jacin and Winter sat at the very end.

"Scarlet, if you need to hold my hand, just let me know," Wolf winked at Scarlet, causing her to laugh and roll her eyes jokingly.

* * *

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