Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-mothers


I set Cello down carefully and stand up. She leans up on her elbows and looks up at me from the bed, "what is it?"

"Nothing I just thought I heard something," I bend back down and she raps her arms around me. A slight clattering noise followed by giggling comes from down stairs. I pull up again and look down at her. "I'm sorry, but I should probably check that noise out."

She looks up at me and shrugs "that's fine, lets go." She slides out from under my arm and heads toward the door. I look at her confused, she puts her hands on her hips and cocks an eyebrow at me. "Let's go slow poke," she smiles and opens the door.

I quickly follow after her down the hall and catch her hand at the stairs. I lace my fingers around hers and she looks up at me smiling and I squeeze her hand. She leans against me stopping me on the stairs. I look down at her confused and she lifts up on her tip toes and kisses me cheek. I grab her with my other arm bringing her into my chest pinning her against the wall on the stairs, she looks up at me her face turning pink. I started bending down to kiss her when a clatter of something dropping stopped me. I sighed moving off of her. I walked down the stairs Cello following close behind me.

I follow the noises into the kitchen an find my twin sisters looking at me surprised "your home," Em says giving me a blank and confused stare.

"And shirtless! What have y'all been up to?" Sapphire asked wiggling her eyebrows.

" I haven't done anything, why aren't y'all at school?" I add mimic her fake Texas accent, it's her latest thing, trying to be southern.

"Half day," they say together prancing away leaving their mess behind. I sigh and look at Cello, she's giggling and smiling.

"You ok?" I walk over and take her hand in mine.

She smiles up at me "yeah I'm fine I'm just not use to having family." I smile down at her and give her hand a little squeeze. "Hey Cello my house is going to become chaotic, just warning you." She smiles up at me.

"I'll be fine don't worry, I love how lively it is." She squeezed my hand again and I kiss her forehead. The front door slams open and my mother calls for me, I turn around the corner and look at her.


In minutes the house was in full swing people everywhere playing and bickering amongst each other. Sure I got pushed and stepped on once or twice but they always apologised. Adam was on high alert watching everyone and looking for unfamiliar people. Making it to the kitchen in one piece I was hugged by his mother,"Cello do you cook?"

"O-god mother!" Adam blurted following me.

"No its ok," I say,"and no I don't I'd love to learn though." She perked and smiled at me.

"Fantastic I'll teach you, Adam go train I'll watch over her don't worry." He look at me and then her, he opened his mouth but she interrupted, "now," she said sternly.

With that he groaned and went out back. "So Cello tell me about your family I've never been to a vampires house. I don't even think I've seen a vampire until you?"

"Well it's extremely large." She stirred a pot of something brown.

"Bigger than ours?" She glances over her shoulder at me.

"It's a castle." I sigh.

"Wow, the only castle I've seen was the really big one deep in the woods, but I've never been inside. Due tell more." She moves from the pot to something else.

"That's where I live in that castle, there are many rooms, I haven't been in each one personally but their supposed to all be beautiful. And it has lots of space outdoors, there's a garden, greenhouse and maze. It'd be the perfect place for having a large family."

"You want a large family!" She rotated around on her heels holding a spatula in one hand smiling.

"Yes, right now it's just me, my mother and the vampire council along with maids, butlers, and other workers." I look down at the counter.

"O-wow servants!" She turns back around still smiling.

"Yeah, most are human." I start placing things on the table.

"Why would vampires have outdoor space? Who'd use it?" She started pulling plates out of a cabinet.

"I do during the day, and sometimes at night others do, but really it's all just for show." Adam walks in shirtless and sweaty, he walks over to me rapping his arms around my hips and putting his head on my shoulder leaning on me.

She turns to look at me again "so do you work at the castle?" Adam stiffens at her question.

"No, it's mine, or it will be my mother owns it," Adam tightens his grip around me.

"What!" She drops the spoon she's holding and is staring at us.

"Alright mom lets eat," Adam quickly grand me and pulls me out of the kitchen.

  Dinner was interesting being that his mother kept looking at us weird. The main part of the pack was here eating and socialising. The two hour dinner ended and I followed Adam back up to his room. He hopped in the shower and I flopped down on his bed. I curled up with one of his blankets and started falling asleep.


I rap the towel around my waist and walk out to Cello who's passed out in my bed. She's so cute in her sleep. I pull on a pair of pyjama pants and walk over to her leaving my wet towel on the floor. I gently take her shoes off quietly setting them down at the end of the bed. I pull another blanket over her and then crawl in next to her. She wiggled over onto my chest snuggling close to me. I rap my arms around her and pull the covers over us. I take a deep breath in and kiss the top of her head.

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