"I was wondering if you can help me wake Alphonso. The girls and I always have trouble waking these apes up everyday and we absolutely dread getting near Alphonso when he's asleep. Is that too much?" she asked.

"No, not at all " I said. With a nod she exited out the door to give me my privacy. Getting up, I did my usual morning routine which consists of me brushing my teeth, bathing etc. I tied my hair in a nice bun and headed for the closet that, fortunately, only held women's clothing. Ten minutes later, I headed out of the door and Catarina and I walked toward Alphonso's room.

"So sweetie, where are you from?" Catarina asked.

"I'm from Texas. You?"

"Well, as you already know I'm Italian, but I grew up in Florence, Italy." She said.

"Wow! I've always wanted to visit Italy." I said as I clasped my hands together and stared into space pensively. "But I would like to visit Venice, the city on the water."

"Huh? You do know that we are in I-, oh." She paused. "Vergogna su di loro . Ho insegnato loro meglio di questo!" (Shame on them. I know I taught them better than this!)

I had no idea what she was about to say or what she said in Italian so I just nodded my head. Moments later, we arrived in front of a large door that looked oddly familiar. Instead of knocking like a normal person, Catarina basically kicked the door open with all the rage she had mustered ever since we talked about Italy.

"Avalon, look inside of the left drawer on his desk and take out ALL the sharpies." she demanded. She was angry at Alphonso for some odd reason, but I did what she asked.

"Here you go. Uhmmm Catarina? Don't tell me you're doing what I think you're about to do." I asked curiously.

She gave me a look that told me everything I needed to know; she was all for it! "He deserves it, especially for all that he's done to you."

"You have a point." I said with a smile. "Ahh, what the hell." She nodded her head, handed me a black sharpie, and got to work. The result of our masterpiece was like the picture above.

"Haaaha...Alphon- hahahah. I CAN'T! I don't think I can wake him up with him looking like that." Catarina said, struggling to hold in her laughter. I couldn't blame her because I was having the same problem too. "Why don't we just head to breakfast with out him. I'm sure he'll wake up eventually." I suggested.

"S-Sure. Let's go."

Exiting out of the room, we headed down the long hallway, down the winding stairs, and walked through another endless hallway. We made it to the dining room where met with the people from yesterday. "Buongiorno, Avalon and Catarina. Come sit, the food has already been served." said Giovanni. He took Catarina by the hand and lead her to the same spot they occupied earlier. Scanning for a place to sit, I recognized the six guys who kidnapped me so I decided to sit near them. At this point, they didn't frighten me anymore.

"Oh! Well, if it isn't Avalon. Buongiorno." said the guy I threw pasta at yesterday.

"Morning."I said. For some odd reason I felt at home with these people even though they kidnapped me. The fact that they hadn't done anything to me so far caused me to feel laid back around them. "So tell me about yourselves because I don't want to keep calling you my kidnappers." I said once I sat down.

"How, rude of us. Well, I suppose I'll introduce myself first. My name is Rafael Rizzolo and I'm twenty-eight years old. It's nice to formally meet you, Avalon." he said. He had jet black hair and piercing grey eyes that could easily capture the heart anyone he set his eyes on. Rafael had a defined face and body with a chiseled jaw line and cheekbones. He is, for lack of words, very handsome, but not as handsome as Alphonso. I nodded my head at him and directed my attention to the person sitting beside him.

"Sup. The name's Lorenzo Rizzolo, but the ladies call me schianto (sexy)."he started but muffled laughter interrupted him. He gave them a glare before continuing. "Anyways, I'm twenty-seven. " This schianto guy, whatever that means, had brown hair with hazel eyes. He was also handsome, well they all are, and had muscle judging from the way they protruded from his shirt. Unlike Rafael, Lorenzo had a narrow, oblong face with angular cheekbones and a pointed chin.

"Hello, my name is Romeo Rizzolo and I'm the coolest of the bunch. I'm also twenty-seven as well. Nice to meet you." Romeo had dark green eyes in comparison to Alphonso's vibrant ones. He also had light brown hair, a defined face and build, and a cute beauty mark below his left eye.

"Caio, my name is Marcelo Rizzolo and this is my brother, Dante Rizzolo. As you can see, we are twins but I can assure you that we don't behave the same way like other twins. We are twenty-five years old." They both had the same shade of dirty blonde hair but different eye colors making it easier to distinguish them. Marcelo had greyish-blue eyes while Dante had dark brown eyes.

"As for me, my name is Rèmy Rizzolo. I'm twenty-three, making me the youngest of these losers. Nice to meet you, Avalon." Rèmy had more of a boyish face in comparison to the rest of them. He was the leanest, shortest, and palest with black hair and blue eyes.

"Finally! So, does this mean you guys are related because I noticed you all share the same last name?" I asked. "Not by blood if that's what you are asking. We share the same name because we are like one big family and sooner or later you'll be one of us." Dante began.

"What-" I started before being interrupted by a scream that shook the whole house.


Rizzolo Famiglia: You Hit Me, We Hit YouWhere stories live. Discover now