Graduation Day

110 9 1

4 Years later

Universal Ntahol Institute (UNI)

Argot Clan

In orbit around Peacon System

"Where is she?"

"She was supposed to be on the rec room! We have an intergalactic call in 30 minutes!"

The two men ran into the corridor, trying not to cause too much ruckus as students of all ages rushed out of their classrooms. Some of them were alien looking with all kinds of colors and shapes; others were the android and human teachers who also were trying to move through the mass of bodies and voices.

"Oh stars! How will we find her in this horde?"

"Did you try her mobi?"

"Five times! I swear, I am not showing her again how to hack into the core system. She is worse than Liyo."

"Your ex? I thought you weren't talking anymore."

The first man stopped running and pressed his tentacle-like hand in his floating hair. His skin had the color of deep blue and his eyes were glowing green. He looked like a man on his twenties with broad shoulders and a body which also had the ability to shift into his humanoid octopus form when he was in his native planet.

"We don't! She got married and now is in due with twenty children."

"I expected nothing less from a Canina woman." the second man said and grinned. His artificial wings, tightly molded in his back, were like a cape on his shoulders. He was shorter than his companion but he was more striking with his iron looking skin and golden eyes.

He brushed his fingertips against the first man's cheek and smiled. "Besides you do owe me a drink."

"I know Golu." The first man grinned. "But first let's find our assignment before the Headmaster throws us outside UNI."

"Let's go Cupi." He agreed and they both began running again, as they saw the crowd thinning around them.

Ten minutes later, Cupi and Golu stood before the closed door of the training ground of the Sonesta women. There was no restriction if anyone wanted to watch the women training with their Vinto gloves and Golu knew for sure that most of the Sonesta women had already left to attend the final preparations for Graduation Day.

Cupi turned and pointed a tentacle finger. "Do you think what I think?"

Golu nodded. "Yup, she is in there."

The door opened as they walked in.

And they were greeted by birds.

Thousands of birds flew all over the circular field, which had a white dome above it and seats all around its perimeter. The birds were of all colors and they cried in unison as they flew together moving up and down, spinning and turning. Cupi's eyes widened by the image and Golu's wings itched to open and take flight with them.

It was amidst the flock of purple, green and gold when the men saw her. Her body, strong with toned legs from years of training, jumped into the air. After making a full turn, she landed softly on the force field which was created by her anti-gravity boots.

They saw the colors spilling from her fingertips, covered as they were with the Vinto gloves. The birds flew higher creating a circle above her head and she titled back, smiling widely.

"Letoya!" Cupi called.

In an instant the birds were gone, snuffed out like the flame. She turned around, her braid of red hair falling to the right side of her shoulder, and her eyes, warm whiskey with freckles of gold and green locked with theirs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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