Part 20

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After a few hours of hard work, we eventually started tracking down different people and asking them questions. No one helped us. At all. "Well this is fun!" Suki said. "Oh yeah, because getting no where is much fun." I said rolling my eyes. "Can I ask you guys something?" I asked. "Go ahead." Eriol said. "So what's the deal with Suki? How can she be here, but not pysically... Be here?" I asked, starting to confuse myself. "Well... Suki is a part of Jester. A more girlish side of him, in a way. Jester is an illusionist, which causes people to see whatever he wants them too." I cut him off. "In English notes please, Professor Eriol." I said. Jester laughed while Suki joined in. Eriol was a little shocked, but he chuckled as well. "To sum it up, Suki is physically and mentally here at all times. But only those Jester casts the illusion spell on can see her like he can. Was that easier to understand, Miss Smith?" He asked. "Yes Professor Eriol." I said. I wasn't as confused any more, however the concept of Suki being there all the time was a little creepy. I mean, even if I don't see her, she's still there, but only Jester can see her. "That's really weird, Jes." I said. He shrugged. "To be honest, you get used to it. You get used to it a lot faster than you'd expect, but the concept still haunts your mind for awhile." He said. "I bet it does." I replied. "Have we asked her about the missing school members?" I asked, pointing at the bubbly girl in the cheerleader uniform. "No we haven't..." Eriol said, going up to her. "Excuse me Miss, but have you seen any of the missing school students and fac-" She jumped up and cut Eriol off by bouncing around. "Yeah! V told me that they were going to be used in our awakening ritual tonight!" She said. I couldn't tell if she was purposely telling us there things, or if it just slipped her mind. "Awakening ritual? What's that?" Jester asked. The cheerleader just giggled and bounced off. "That got us some where!" Suki said. I nodded. 'Yeah, but this isn't going in the direction I want it to go...' I thought. "I'm pretty sure that if we go that awakening ritual, we can find out more about what it is, and if it hurts people." I said. "But how are we going to get into that ritual?" Suki asked. "We follow them to whever they have the ritual." I said. "But they'll recognize us right away." Eriol countered my plan. Damn it, I thought I was going somewhere with that plan! "Eri, you're a wizard. Can't you just cast an invisibility spell on all of us?" Jester asked. "Well... I do not know if I'm powerful enough to cast it on all three of us. Plus I do not know how long I can make it last." He said. "Jessie.. Eri... Tina..?" Suki asked. "Yeah?" I asked. "... I... I think we found something..." she said, pointing at a trail of flames and sparkles. I gasped. "That trail can only be from Ciri and Tori!" I yelled. "Should we follow it?" Jester asked. "Probably. Eriol, cast the spell on me and Jester now please." I said. Eriol's eyes widened, then he nodded. "O-Okay.." He said. I heard him chant the spell, and wave his wand around in a certain way. I felt very light, almost as if I wasn't all there. "... How do you both feel?" I heard Eriol ask. "As light as a feather~!!!" Jester said. I saw him hug Eriol tightly as the wizard groaned in protest. Suki giggled and joined in the hug. "This is pretty God damn cute and all, but we have a mission to complete, and people to save." I said. Eriol cleared his throat, then started to follow us as we followed the trail. It wasn't very long before we came to a stop. "Why does it end here? There isn't anything on the floor." Suki said. "There's something we're missing." Jester said. Laughter was heard from a corner, as most of the school lights went out. I heard high heels clicking on the floor, then I heard what sounded like a machine activating. "When I used the 'As easy as leading flies to a trap' phrase, I didn't think it would describe you three so well!" Rainia said. I glared at her. "What the fuck are you talking about?" I snarled back at her. "She wants to know W-H-Y-W-E-S-E-T-T-H-I-S-UP~!" Another girl chirped. I recognized her voice as being one of the girls at the ritual. "Yes... We all would like to know why you set this up." I heard someone say. I recognized his voice from the time I got captured. "Oh, well look who's here." Another girl said, next to Rainia. "Zana. I should have known you would team up with the sirens." The boy said. "Of course I did! Sage, you know that I always.." She started. I heard her rings clink against the side of something. " ... Stay on the winning side!" She exclaimed. I felt myself falling down. I screamed as I heard a few other screams from bellow I was falling, and above. I felt myself hit my head, then I couldn't feel anything at all...

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