Part 18-(Filler)

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Hello feathers. This part is filler. And it's something that will relate to the main plot later on, but for now it's just filler. Sorry for no main plot for right now.
Love you all,

(Sage's POV; Sage's Story)

As I watched the girl get teleported off, I couldn't help but think she was being targeted. "Why are we after that one girl? She's too nice for anyone to be hurt by her." I heard Kanamei say. I sighed. "We're not after her for revenge, or anything of that sort. We're after her so she will be forced to turn." I said. Kanamei rolled her eyes. "I can just cast an evil spell it something if that's all you want done." She said. This time I rolled my eyes. "No, Kanamei. She will come to us, but we have to wait for the right moment to get her on our side." I said. "You're a strange person, Sage." She said. I smiled mysteriously at her. "Yes. Yes I am." I said. I left Kanamei and went to a group of my friends. "Sage! Where have you been?" I heard Kylee ask. "I was with a few friends." I replied. "Oh? Was it some girlfriends?" DeeJay asked. I shook my head. "Not in the way you're thinking of them. But yes they were both girls." I heard Zana click her tongue in disgust. "We all know that I'm Sage's girlfriend." she said. "You aren't my girlfriend Zana." I said. DeeJay did an 'Ooooohhh' and Kylee gasped. Zana glared at me. "What did you just say?" She asked. "You heard me." I replied. "This won't pass me by that easily, Sage. I'll find whoever has your love and I'm going to kill them!" She said. "You won't ever find them." I replied, trying to keep my cool. "Try me." She said, then stormed off. After that, I went to the one who had my love. "Mio..?" I asked. I heard him gasp as I hugged him from behind. "Your room is dark today..." I said. He blushed then turned to face me. "Sage, you actually came..." He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Of course I did. You know that I can't stay away..." I said. He blushed even more and buried his head into my chest. I pet his hair. "I love how soft your hair is." I said. I felt him put his hand on my chest. He lightly pushed me away. "Stop iittt..." He muttered. "Never.." I said, lifting his chin up and kissing him...

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