Part 17

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(Tay's POV)

"I'm telling you sis, something's wrong with Rainia!" I said. She rolled her eyes at me. "You're crazy... You were there when she said that she wanted to try a new outlook on life!" Tina exclaimed frantically. "Why are you being so frantic about this, if you don't believe that Rainia has been turned evil?" I asked suspiciously. I saw her sweat and run off, causing me to be alone. I sighed. "Man, she can be so weiiirrrddd!" I said, talking to myself. "Who can be so weiiirrrddd?" A high pitched voice asked me curiously. I jumped up in shock and had to put a hand on my chest to calm down. "... You weren't supposed to hear that..." I said. "Oh trust me, I know that I wasn't supposed to hear it. But you said it out loud and in the open. So pretty much EVERYONE heard you~!" She said, giggling "innocently". I heard wings flapping and I saw a little light pink ball of light. I couldn't tell out any details of the fairy/pixie thing because it was so small. "Uhm... Hi pink fairy/pixie thing..." I said, a bit unnerved by what had just happened with my encouter with it. They giggled again. "I'm a fairy~! My name's Peony!" They said. That... That name still didn't help determine if it was a girl or not. I mean it could be like the names 'Jackie' or 'Vicky' or 'Sage' or 'Jas'! "I'm Tay... Hey, are you a boy or a girl?" I asked bluntly. The light pink ball just floated there in silence for awhile until it spoke up. "I'm a girl... Are you a girl?" She asked me using the same bluntness I used on her. I was taken aback by her bluntness, for it seemed that she had more venom in her voice. "I'm a girl." I said softly, starting to back away from Peony. "Aw, what's wrong? Are you scared?" She asked curiously. I ran off and back to my dorm. To my surprise, I found Rainia sitting in the middle of a circle of bath salt and lit scented candles. All the lights were off, so after I took off my shoes, I naturally tripped and fell on the floor. "Ah fudgesicle!" I exclaimed. I felt something warm and liquid like drip down my foot. So I took off my sock and looked. Sure enough, there was scrape on my ankle. "Grreeeaat!" I said. I then covered my mouth and turned my head around the corner. 'Rainia... She isn't in the circle anym-' "Do you need something?" I heard Rainia ask. I turned my head back and what a surprise- Rainia was in front of me! "I uh... Well I err... Uhm... Weeelll.." I said trailing off. She sighed, and I could tell she was annoyed. "Sorry..." I said sheepishly. She rolled her eyes and then picked me up. "Its fine, I guess. Now you better not squirm while I take you to your room. Got it?" She asked. I nodded and happily leaned into her chest. "Hey Rainia?" "Yeah?" "Do you like me?" I asked. She blinked as it took a minute for her to come up with an answer. "... Yes." I smiled happily. "Well that's good!" I exclaimed as she dropped me onto my bed. "Yeah. Get some rest and if you don't, I'm going hurt you when I find out. Got it?" She asked me. I nodded and shut my eyes as she shut my door. I happily drifted off to sleep...
~~~~(Tina's POV)~~~~

I couldn't believe that Tay was already that suspicious of Rainia. I thought she would just go along with what Rainia was hiding. "Fuuuuccckkk!" I cursed out loud in front of a girl I didn't know. She blinked and said a spell, which made me hang upside-down in an electric bubble. "Hey!" I yelled. I heard her make a noise of questioning. "Put me down!" I yelled. She rolled her eyes and just kept me in the bubble as she went to another person. "I brought a girl to play with." She said. The other person raised an eyebrow. "This isn't the person we want. However, she is related to the one we want." The person said. "Are you talking about my sister?!" I asked. She shook her head. "You'll see what we're after soon enough. But right now, you aren't important to us." The other person said. I was teleported to my sister who was asleep. "Tay! Wake up..." I said. I knew she wouldn't wake up for anything unless she wanted to. I sighed and layed next to her...

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