Chapter 1

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"I'M SO FING EXCITED GUYS!!!" Tay said, as we walked up to our new school. "I guess its exciting. I mean, its just a new school." I said, not really caring. Tay probably wondered if I was crazy. She was probably right. We reached the gym where the assembly was being held for all the new magical students. "Come on in everyone, and sit with your friends!" A teacher said. "So... We don't have to sit with our races?" I asked confused. The teacher smiled and said, "Nope! That's only for the battle of the races rally!" "Oh, ok!" Tay said, dragging me into he gym, sitting me down then sitting next to me. "Must we have this rally?" I asked, groaning and rolling my sure on the inside. Tay nodded excitedly, waiting to see what would happen. The lights all went out and I heard a few people scream. "Fing pussys." I muttered. "SH!!!" Tay said to me. A light was shined on a teacher who announced a girl with short blonde hair and purple eyes, who was apparently a queen in her dimension. She showed off her, not really impressive, magic. She said that we all were special. 'Special my ass,' I thought mentally. 'You should be nicer sis.' Tay said back to me. In my mind of course. 'WHAT?! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!' I sent back to het to which she replied with a, 'No!' I rolled my eyes and noticed that the one queen girl had left the middle of the stage and a new girl was there. Apparently the lights had darkened as well, cuz I couldn't see for shit. "Hello everyone... I'm uhm..." The girl trailed off. It was obvious that she was nervous and didn't want the attention on her, but she was getting through this... SLOWLY. "Well.... I'm-No, you all probably know me as the special student with the type of magic that is so harmless, that I have no means of protecting myself. But I'm here to show you all what I can do!" 'She probably didn't have anything really magical to show us.' I thought. She took a breath in and started swirling one hand while holding her other hand out. The hand, which most thought was empty, starting filling up with some sort of...Some sort of... Rainbow magic?!!! "NO FUCKING WAY!!! " I shouted out at the silence as I realized what she was. The whole entire school was staring at me. Tay was blushing and she pulled me back down to sit in the bleachers. 'What's wrong Tina?!' She asked me, 'You made an ENTIRE SCHOOL look at you!' 'Tay, that girl's a fucking Rainbow Magic girl! Do you know what that fucking means?!!' I said, completely freaking out as I watched the girl's hair start to switch colors. 'No I don't, so explain!!' She replied. 'There hasn't been a Rainbow Magic person born in like, a fucking thousand years!' I said. 'No way! She can't be one of. Those... Can she?!!' 'I don't know, but she is one, and we are about to see something that will blow our fucking minds!!' I watched the girl as a rainbow ball of sparkle magic was forming in her hands. She threw the ball up and it exploded everywhere into tiny rainbow sparkle fragments. I caught a sparkle and it glowed brightly. The rainbow girl noticed the brightness and And she smiled at me. She was smiling brightly, and she took all the remaining sparkles and turned them into a bright sparklely rainbow. I watched in awe as she made the room change from color to color, and she seemed to be having so much fun doing her magic. It made me somewhat jealous... Wait, jealous?!! I've never been jealous of anyone! Stop that brain!!! I blinked as a glimmer of light disappeared, then saw that the rally thing was done. "Thank God." I muttered. Now the tricky part was to get to our dorms. "Fuck. Me." I said. Tay thought I was on my period so she left me alone... Sort of. "So... Where's our dorm?" Tay asked me. I shrugged and went to a random dorm, which had some names engraved in the door. I blinked as the names, 'Vanilla Mieux, Rainia Darling, Taylor Smith and Tina Smith' were on the door. "What the fu-?!!!" I got caught off as Tay dragged me into the dorm. "Oh hello you two!" The Que- 'Wait, queen?! Holy shit!!!' I thought, as Tay looked at me weirdly. 'Sorry.' I thought to her. She nodded and then claimed a bed with all of her stuff on it. I chose the bed closet to the corner. 'Why you ask? Because I don't want to talk to anyone in this room. Well.. I might talk to my sister, but that's about it.' The door creaking broke me out of my thoughts. I growled at it, not knowing another person came in. "Oh, you have a fiesty roomate this time Vani!" I heard the person say. I listened into the conversation because frankly, I had nothing else to do. "Hahaha~! You said that about Raninia too, Tori!" Vani said. I blinked. 'Tori? What kind of name is that?' 'Tina its just a name, geez!' Tay thought to me. I rolled my eyes and ignored her, paying attention to the Queen and Tori. "So.. Have you heard any news about Rainia's situation...?" Tori asked the Queen. She shook her head. "Not at all. Why do you ask? Did something happen?" "Well.. I heard that her father is going back to talk to her mother again.." "What?! That can't be true Tori! I mean that's just-! Its just!" I swore that I saw Vani start to shake, as Tori went to her side. "I know. But if it is true, we can't tell Rainia about i-" "I already know about it, Tori.." Rainia said, as she stood in the doorframe. "Uhm.. I don't mean too be rude, but what's going on? We sort of just got here and met you guys, and er.. Well I kinda want to know your guys' stories.." Tay said. To be honest, I was thinking that myself. But I would've worded it differently... A lot differently. Vani sighed and nodded. "I understand you want to know a lot about us. However.. We can't tell you everything right away, but I guess we can tell you a few things.. Right Tori, Rainia?" "Its fine with me." Tori said. "Yeah." Rainia said. "So let's start with Tori-" "No, let's start with Rainia's. We deserve to know situation since you fucking were talking about that earlier!" I said, getting annoyed. "Very well.. Here we go... When Rainia was first born, she didn't have magical powers at first." "Isn't that how it normally is?" Tay asked. Vani shook her head, "Not most cases. It does happen, however its more common in half-magic, half-human children." "I see.. Anyways continue." "Rainia's parents were happy that their child was healthy. A few years passed and Rainia just turned three. She somehow got purple frosting in her hair, and so her mom tried to wash it out, but it never got it out all the way. She had a streak of purple in hair. Her parents didn't mind, since it was just a streak. Then when she was seven, she was messing with her hand, then she hit a bug which hit a mirror, causing her magic to activate and hit hair..." "So that's why her hair is multi-colored!" I said. Rainia nodded. "Its exactly why my hair is that way. However, Vani doesn't know the whole story. What happened after is that when I looked at myself in the mirror, I screamed. My mom came running into my room, then saw my hair. She gasped and rushed me to the bathroom, trying to wash it out. It.. It didn't work and my hair's been the same ever since then.." "Eh... So I have a question." Tori said. Rainia blinked. "Ask it.." "Did your father leave as soon as he found out that you had Rainbow Magic?"

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