A simple surprise

Start from the beginning

"its none of your business." i replied harshly.

"im your mate!! and you kissed him right in front of me." he said and his eyes held many emotions, hurt, sadness, anger.

"i'll leave you two talk" dylan said and then left.
"you rejected me you piece of shit!! . first you reject me , then when you realize i'm an alpha, you want me back!? i would have gave you everything!! but nooo because i smelt like a rouge you rejected me. you didn't even ask me why i smelt like that!!! you broke my heart and when someone tries to fix it you have to come and ruin things."
i bursted out , shouted, screamed at him . i was really hurt.

"do you know how bad my wolf felt!? especially after the person who meant the world to me died!??!?? he was the last person i had. and then you come and reject me . not caring if me and my wolf get hurt. if i was really a rouge would you try to have me back ?" i asked but he didn't answer.

"thats what i thought." i said and turned around to leave when he said

"im sorry."

"sorry my ass." i walked two steps but he caught my hand and spun me around. i was shocked of what he did next. he kissed me.

skylar took over and kissed him back. stupid wolf.

i took back over and broke the kiss. he cant break my heart and then kiss me hoping that i would accept his apology and then live happily ever after. no, i'm not cinderella and this is not a fairy tale

" dont you dare do that again." i said and walked away.

" davina" my uncle called.

"yes uncle?"

"can i talk to you for a second?"
we entered his office and sat down.

" davina, as you know, i dont have kids. my mate couldnt give birth to kids. i have no one to take my alpha spot once i retire."

"okay.. " i said confused. what is he trying to say?

"davina, you are a very powerful alpha, not to mention a white wolf. i would be honered to give you my alpha spot after you turn 18."

i was beyond happy. yes, finally i could make my dream come true.

"are you serious? "
"thank you thank you thank you" i jumped up and down hugging him.
he chuckeled.

"so is that a yes? "
he laughed .


"yes kiddo?"

"i want to ask you something."

"go ahead."

"what's so special about white wolfs? i know they are rare but why are they the most amazing thing? daddy said he will tell me soon but you know what happened."

"okay. as you know, the moon goddess was a werewolf. she had a white wolf. she was the first and only white wolf in the world. back then, vampires and werewolfs used to get along. vampires weren't strong , they had nothing special excpet being a supernatural creature while on the other hand werewolfs were extremely strong, they could change into wolfs, super hearing, smelling and the other senses. every werewolf had a special gift such as mindreading, healing, bringing life back to death and so on. the moon goddess was to marry an alpha, but she didnt want to because she was in love with a vampire. she trusted him and soon, gave him the way into the pack's teritorry. the vampire didnt love her, infact he was only pritending so he could find the way in. vampires attacked the werewolf's teritorry and kidnapped many wolfs. they agreed to give the werewolfs back the other kidnapped wolfs but on one condition. for werewolf to give the vampires their gifts. all werewolfs agreed to sacrifise their gifts except for the moon goddess. when she refused to give them her gift, they killed her. she then became a goddess and created 'mates' because she didnt want any werewolf to get her heart broken ever again they way her heart broke. so when the goddess died, she still had her gift. so every white wolf has the gift."

it took me a couple of minutes to understand what he just said.

"what's my gift?" i asked my uncle

"its for you to find out."

"thank you very much for telling me."

"that's why your father didnt want strangers to see your wolf. because they will try to take your gift for their own." my uncle added.

"i will go to see lucy and dylan. ill see you later."

"okay. oh by the way. the three of you are going to school tomorrow."

"ughh school . i almost forgot about that."

he chuckled.

i left his office and walked to lucy's room. i saw her and dylan taking.

"you two kissed!?!? " she screamed
"we had too. " i answered
"okay but dont accidentley fall inlove like in movies." she said
"dont worry thats not gonna happen. never." dylan answered and we laughed.
"so what happened after i left?" dylan asked. i told them what happened, our talk, the kiss.

"holy shit!! you kissed!?!?" lucy once agian screams

"he kissed me i didnt kiss him" i defended myself

"but you kissed back." dylan said wiggling his eyebrows.

"it was skylar. not my fault she loves the heck out of him." i said

"right" lucy said.

"by the way we are going to school tomorrow." i told them.

"we know. alpha logan told us. by the way congrats im so happy for you." dylan said. i knew he was talking about me taking the alpha spot.

"thanks guys. im really sorry you guys didnt get to become beta and delta."

"hey its not your fault." lucy said.

"i dont wanna ruin the moment or anything but adam goes to the same school that we are going to." dylan interrupted.

" why does the moon goddess hate me!?."

Regret Rejecting Me AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now