"Shit is Correct."

Start from the beginning

"One of you go in with her. And make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. But don't kill her either." One of them let go of me and the other pushed me towards the building.

I tried to shove him away but he grabbed a lock of my hair and whipped me back to his chest.

"This isn't the warehouse." He whispered in my ear.

"Nonono!" I snaked out of his hands, but he tripped me.

I remember this. All I remember is the humiliation. I remember feeling all used up and disgusting. Like I wasn't worth what everyone use to tell me. And then I was taken to the real warehouse where it doesn't even matter where I am because I wasn't worth anything to anyone in there. Even the people just like me because they felt the same way about themselves.

He spooned me and wrapped his massive arms around my stomach. I kicked and screamed and scratched and I pushed against him. But he held on too tight.

Then he threw me through the door and it busted open. I heard him go back for the door. So I ran into the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me and I quickly locked.

The smell in here is so fowl I felt the alcohol rise up and burn my throat. It dusty and disgusting. There was a window right above the rust covered and moldy bathtub that I could fit through if I went through.

Without even thinking about the filthiness of the bathroom and how bad I was going to throw up, I climbed up on the toilet and opened the window.

He started trucking into the door.

I went through head first and I underestimated how big my hips were to fit in through the window.

He almost had the frame off the door.

If I pushed any more my hips would break off the rest of my body. I dropped back onto the toilet and I looked for anything that would help me.

In the shower was shampoo and I think was conditioner. The shower head was one that you could disconnect. I reached into the shower for the dried shampoo covered bottle and squirted it all over the floor with the conditioner. Then I took the rusty shower head and sprayed the entire floor with it.

He busted through the door taking the frame off with him and clawed for me, but I moved out of his reach and he slid and hit his head on something. I didn't stay to watch it. I ran out into he room. The door was had a lock on it. There were no other windows in here. I turned around and there he was stalking towards me. He was like a skyscraper right over my head. My strength wasn't going to get me anywhere. My speed would, but there's nowhere to run.

He swung at me and I ducked. His fist went through the wooden door and I went through his grab with the other hand. As he was getting his fist out of the door, I bent down into my boot and fished for the paint can opener. When he pulled out of the door his hand was dripping with blood. I saw him wipe it on his shirt before he turned around and ran.

I only have one swing with this. One chance so I gotta make it right. I pulled my arm back and I swung forward. And fate was with me that time. He yelled in pain and fell onto the floor covering his face. I got it right in the eye. Red tears dripped down his face.

Something shiny caught my eye from his pocket. A silver gun handle. I reached for it and when I pulled it out, I shot the door open and it fell down. Dust came bursting off and they looked out at me. But I shot at the other two men there clean in the forehead.

But the girl. I saw the two different eye colors. But I gotta go. I need to find somewhere safe.

But I can't kill her. She deserves a life just like I do because I know what she went through and what happened to her wasn't fair.

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