Green Lantern

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1. Once Green Lantern had a sidekick who was an alien starfish

2. Batman once painted himself yellow to beat Green Lantern up   (For a long time, him and every member of the corp's weakness was the color yellow and they were powerless against it)

3. Hal Jordan went crazy after Cyborg Superman destroyed Coast City. He believed he could bring everyone back to life by using the power of the Green Lantern Corp. He went on a killing spree and ended up wearing 10 rings at the same time and he temporarily became a villain,

4. John Stewart destroyed a planet

5. Like I said in the Ironman chapter, Green Lantern combined with Ironman to become Iron Lantern

6. DC was planning on making Wonder Woman and Green Lantern a couple

7. There are different colored lanterns

8. Star Sapphire was Green Lantern's girlfriend before becoming one of his most dangerous enemies

9. All Green Lanterns have been good friends with the Flash

10. Sinestro one of his strongest villains, used to be Green Lantern's mentor

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