
"Yes, I watched from a water mirror. It allowed me to see you whenever I wanted. It also allowed me to give you suggestions when your mind relaxed enough to hear them."

"Why would you go to all this trouble?"

She looked away, staring at her feet. "Because, even though I told you where everything was, the decision for you to come here had to be your own."

"And what difference did that make?"

"By coming here of your own free will, you answered my call for you. By the customs of my people, it gave me the right to bond with you." She glanced up, locking eyes with me.

"Bond?" I wasn't sure what she was saying. "I don't understand."

"You and I were bonded when we danced together with the others. The ceremony was completed."

"Ceremony?" I asked, confused.

"I'm sorry. I forget you say it differently in your world. We were fasted together ... married." She smiled softly.

"We were married?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Are you sure?"

She nodded, blushing again.

"How do I know this is true?"

She blushed harder. "You can hear the truth in my voice."

"I don't understand."

"Bran," she whispered my name again, and I groaned at the sensation it caused.

"What you're feeling is something that only happens between couples who are truly bonded."

I couldn't believe what she was telling me—or what I was feeling. It was incredible to think this creature had chosen me to be her mate. I wasn't sure what to say.

"Bran, are you okay?"

I gritted my teeth, balling my hands into fists, my breath coming fast. "Let's get one thing clear right now. You're going to have to be careful how many times you say my name."

She laughed, the color of her skin growing even brighter. "But I like watching what it does to you."

I shook my head and fell backward into the grass, placing an arm over my forehead. "I'm sure you do."

"Are you saying you don't like it?" She frowned as she leaned over me, her long hair falling around us like a curtain.

I could hardly breathe as I stared up at her, her closeness making me feel intoxicated. "I'm not saying that at all. But I would like to know a little more about you before I completely succumb to whatever this is between us." I wanted her badly, and my mind felt increasingly foggier the longer I stared into her eyes.

She smiled, her head dipping closer to mine. "Patience, Bran. You will get your answers, but I need to do something else first."

I growled again pulling her body against mine. She snuggled into the cradle of my neck and bit me. Instantly, I could feel her, as if she was under my skin, inside of me. When she pulled away, I saw my blood staining her bottom lip.

"What did you do?" I heard the tremble in my voice, and I fought the lethargic feeling that was settling into my limbs, making them heavy. I didn't want to sleep—I wanted her to do it again.

She stared at me, looking a little sad at first—then her mouth curved into a small smile. "Now you're mine truly and I can answer all your questions. But later—for this moment, I need you to sleep."

She lifted her dainty hand and trailed her fingers over my eyelids, but even as I drifted off, I could see her image burned there.

And then I dreamed—savage dreams of multiple wars and terrifying creatures battling each other to the death; killing in all sorts of horrific manners. It was unlike anything I had ever seen, and I didn't know how to name the images I was observing.

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