2)Trancy Mansion

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     About 4 years have passed since (y/n)'s father died.  Though it didn't seem like it, (y/n) was holding a grudge against Mr.Phantomhive, and had been secretly planning a revenge.

     However, other than that, (y/n) have been growing in to a beautiful girl.  She is now 14 years old, but she can easily be mistaken for an adult for her perfect (s/c) smooth, skin.  Her eyes glowed more than ever and beautiful smile is always plastered on her face.Her hair has grown beautifully and is silky, smooth.

     Of course, her family - or her and her mother - is still pretty poor, especially since her father died, money was harder to make.  They barely had any money to pay for their food, so the food they eat is always limited, and they can barely pay for their bills.  Her mother had been getting stressed, working most of the day, only coming home to sleep, or prepare more food.  However, even though everything is turning out bad, (y/n) is always thinking on the brighter side of things, and finally made a decision.

     "Good day, mother," (y/n) said, kissing her mother on the cheek as she sat down at the chair beside her.

     (y/n)'s mother seemed surprised,"Oh (y/n), what are you doing up so early in the morning?"

     (y/n) smiled as she held her hands out on the table in front of her as she faced her mother,"First of all, it's afternoon and second, I've been thinking-"

     "No, you're too young to get a job," (y/n)'s mother said, obviously knowing what her daughter had to say.

     "But mom!"  (y/n) protested,"I want to help!"

     "And why is that?"  (y/n)'s mother asked.

     (y/n) sighed, ready to blare out all of the million reasons she had,"Okay, you asked for it.  Reason #1:  We clearly need more money, and one person working in the family isn't enough.  Well there's reason #2 already.  You're getting too stressed, and I hate that.  I am too old enough to work," (y/n)'s mother glared at her,"Well, easy work at least, like a maid,"

     Her mother chuckled,"Whatever you say, (y/n).  Anyways, what's reason #5?"  She chuckled.

     (y/n) bit her lip, as if she didn't want to say this reason,"Well...you are getting old-"

     "EXCUSE ME YOUNG LADY?!"  Her mother exclaimed.

     "I'm sorry!" (y/n) squeaked, using her hands to cover herself,"Please don't hurt me!!"

     Her mother sighed, before going back to her normal self,"Just keep going,"

     "And because of what happened 4 years ago," (y/n) said, turning her head where she had seen the pool of blood,"I feel like you just need a break, y'know..from all that stress,"

     (y/n)'s mother smiled softly at her, and reached out for her hand,"Oh sweety, don't worry about me.  I'm doing this because I care about our family-"

     "I care too!" (y/n) suddenly yelled, then shrunk back to her normal voice,"That's why I want to help,"

     Her mother squeezed her hand lighty,"Don't worry about me.  Just worry about yourself, it's about time you get to that,"

     (y/n) lowered her head.  Though she hate to admit, her mother is right.  She hasn't been taking care of herself lately and has been focusing more on other people,"Yes, mother,"She then glanced up at her mom,"Can I at least do anything to help?"

     (y/n)'s mother sighed,"If you want to help so badly, there's a delivery I need you to deliver for me,"

     (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes brightened as she smiled widely,"Yes?  Where do I deliver it to?"

Is Revenge Worth It? (Black Butler x Reader) | On Hold |Where stories live. Discover now