100 Truths About Your Author

Start from the beginning

33.last movie/tv show you watched: Orange Is The New Black (and i'm obsessed).

34.last song you listened to: Just Right by Got7( i was slayed,okay.SLAYED).

35.last thing you bought: A skirt ( and it's like really cute with white dots-okay i'll stop 'cause you probably don't care).

36.last person you hugged: My boo.


37.food: I seriously can't choose.Everything that has meat in it.I eat vegetables too.And fruits.And junk food.And sweets.

38.drink: Sprite,Ice coffee,chocolate milk,milkshakes,...

39.bottoms: Maybe i top *wink,wink*okay sorry.Jeans,leggings,skirts.

40.flowers: I don't know,can't name a flower for shit ( I only know roses but that's like so cliche).

41.animal: Can i be fancy and say a raccoon? No? Okay,than dog.

42.color : I already answered this one...

43.movie: Unbroken,Forest Gump,White Chicks,The Conjuring...(there's a lot lol).

44.subject: Chemistry and English(maybe Art..yeah Art's cool too).

*Have you ever?(put an x in the brackets if yes):

45.( ) fallen in love with someone-(still hasn't happened yet...)

46.(x) celebrated halloween

47.( ) had your heart broken

48.( ) went over the minutes/texts on your phone (I don't have minutes..idk it's complicated to explain)

49.(x) had someone like you

50.(x) hated the way someone has changed

51.( ) got pg

52.( ) had an abortion

53.(x) did something you regret-(i think everyone does)

54.( ) had broken a promise

55.(x) hid a secret

56.(x) pretend to be happy

57.( ) met someone who has changed your life

58.(x) pretend to be sick

59.(x) left the country

60.(x) tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it

61.(x) cried over the silliest thing-(cuz puberty...)

62.(x) ran a mile

63.(x) gone to the beach with your best friend

64.(x) gotten into an argument with your friends

65.(x) disliked someone

66.(x ) stayed single for two two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or been single forever


67.eating: Nothing.

68.drinking: Nothing.

69.listening: FT Island's I wish 

70.sitting or lying: Sitting.

71.plans for today:Eat.Go outside with friends.Eat some more.Maybe drink(not alcohol).Lock myself up in my room and drown in Kpop.

72.waiting for: Jackson Wang to knock on my door and ask me to order pizza for him.

73.want kids: Later in the future(i'd like twins tho..two boys..name them Joshua and Mingyu)

74.want to get married: Yeah,that would be nice.

75.want to travel: I want to visit as many places as i can.Especially in Asia.Travelling is my passion.

*What do you look for in a partner?

76.lips or eyes: Eyes ( cuz eyes are the window to the soul....i'm poetic like that.Deal with it).

77.shorter or taller: Taller ( Woozi i still love you boo).

78.younger or older: Age doesn't matter (as long as he isn't like 12 than i'm considered a pedophile.)

79.romantic or spontaneous: A lil' bit from both sides.

80.trouble-maker or hesitant: Hesitant .

81.hook-up or relationship: Relationship.

82.looks or personality: This question.....i can only say it depends but i'm more on the personality side.

*Have you ever...(this again?):

83.lost glasses: All the time.

84.snuck out of the house: I've already told you..i'm a good girl (teehe).

85.held a gun/knife in self-defense: No.

86.killed somebody: Yup,just yesterday (what kind of question is that? *stares in disbelief*)

87.broke someone's heart: Yes. (i'm sorry...)

88.been in love: ''Nope,'' she says,popping the 'p'.

*Do you believe in:

90.yourself: Sometimes.(that's bad i know..)

91.miracles: Yup.

92.love at first sight: No,i have to walk twice by that person in order to fall in love.

93.heaven: I believe there's something...

94.santa claus:Like,no.

95.aliens: Definitely.

96.ghosts/angels:No *looks to her right* who said that?


97.is there one person you really want to be with right now: Yes.

98.do you know who your real friends are: I hope so.

99.do you believe in God: Can i skip this...why am i talking to myself..okay,skip.

100.post as 100 truths: accomplished.

Apologizing in advance for tagging these people:K_Pop_Fantasy,AriLovesBTS,EranJunhong ,KpopGirl4Life,tomorrow12,kfnye98

ANNOUNCEMENT:I'm gonna make it quick since my fingers are all kids of sore from writing these 100 truths/facts.So,i'm having Got7 feels again and i'm currently working on a new fic.It's basically going to be a big oneshot but not quite since i'll be breaking it into couple chapters.I won't say anything more('cause i'm evil like that).Please look forward to it!

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