‘You’ve decided have you? What does that mean exactly?’

‘It means that I have decided that we are meant to be together. Forever.’


‘Yep. ‘Fraid so.’

‘We’ll just have to deal with it, then.’ Said Harry, pretending to be frustrated.

‘Yes. I think we will.’ Ginny laughed. ‘Cos I'm not going anywhere.’


Harry was pacing his and Ron's room, waiting for his best friend to come upstairs. He was going to ask him about all his early mornings. He was almost certain it had something to do with Hermione. Maybe he had taken a leaf out of his sister’s book and had been going to wake his loved one up. 

‘This is going to be funny.’ he muttered, as Ron walked in.

‘So, Harry. You wanted to talk.’ he said, quizzically with one eyebrow raised.

‘Yes I did.’

‘Is it about Ginny? Have you knocked her up? Have you hurt her? Remember our agreement!’

‘Slow down Ron!’ Harry breathed. ‘It’s nothing to do with Ginny, alright. It’s to do with you.’

‘Me?’ Ron said, looking really confused.

Harry smirked. ‘Yeah. I've been, er, wondering, where you’ve been going every morning for the past two or three weeks.’ Harry tried to look innocent but it didn’t really work.

‘Why do you care?’

‘I don't really, but it’s just that, well. We used to be able to tell each other everything, and lately, I feel like you are keeping things from me.’ Harry knew a bit of reverse psychology would work.

‘Harry, we still can. I just think that if I tell you, you'll laugh at me.’

‘I won't. Unless it’s something really embarrassing or something to do with a sheep.’

‘A sheep?’

‘I keep having these images of you falling in love with a sheep.’ Harry laughed at his little story. He made it up to loosen the mood.

‘Nope. I'm pretty sure I'm not in love with a sheep. Unless you're calling Hermione a sheep…’

‘Of course I'm not. So are you going to tell me, or is our friendship failing?’

‘I’ll tell you okay? Just don't laugh at me.’

‘Right.’ Harry was almost laughing already.

‘Here goes. See Harry, ever since I started dating Hermione, I kinda feel like she’s just too good for me. I know you don't agree but don't interrupt me. I got this idea that if I didn’t keep on my toes, I'd lose her. I started doing really sweet things for her. I said don't laugh!’

‘I didn’t.’

‘Okay, well. Every morning, I've been getting up and conjuring twelve roses for her to wake up to.’

‘Aww! That’s so sweet!’ Harry batted his eyelashes.

‘Harry!’ Ron wailed.

‘Sorry, mate. Couldn’t resist, but carry on.’

‘Right, well. After I've conjured the roses, I sit by the bed and wait for her to wake. I wake Ginny first of course, so that she’s out of the way. Meddling little brat!’ Ron said, knowing that it would annoy Harry. He was right. 

‘She might be a meddling little brat, but she’s my meddling little brat, so you’d better keep your insults to a minimum.’ he said, threateningly.

‘So, she’s your Ginny? Yeah, alright Harry. Don't get too protective. I was just kidding with you.’ 

‘Yeah, I know. I just love her so much.’

Now it was Ron's turn to take the piss and bat his eyelashes. ‘Oh Harry! I never knew!’

Harry grinned. Ron's face went serious again. ‘Look Harry. We’ve been best mates for six years. Can I trust you not to tell anyone, especially Fred and George?’

‘Yeah, sure you can, Ronniekins.’ Harry grinned mischievously and ran out of the room.


Ginny’s turn next. Harry was more nervous about this one. What if she decided he was too dangerous and she left him? He’d have to deal with it. He wasn’t going to put his Ginny at risk, however much he loved her. It felt good to say that. He loved her, and from what he knew, she loved him back. Life was great.

‘You wanted to talk to me, Harry?’ Ginny’s cute little head popped round the corner.

‘Yeah, honey. Sit down… please?’ Ginny looked afraid but sat on the bed beside Harry.

‘What is it?’ she asked.

‘Well, I'm just warning you.’ Harry started.


‘About what you are getting yourself into, with me.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘You heard the prophecy didn’t you?’

‘Yeah, so?’ Ginny was trying hard to remember but nothing came to her.

‘It said, in my own words, that I had to kill Voldemort or Voldemort had to kill me. There is no other way.’

‘And what has that got to do with me?’ Ginny asked, testily. Harry had the feeling he was about to feel the wrath of the Weasley women.

‘I'm just saying that Voldemort might try and hurt you to hurt me.’ then he added, trying to lighten the mood, ‘or, if you fall in love with me, which is inevitable due to my devilish good looks, my wit and charm, I may be killed and you’re little heat would be broken.’'

Ginny had smiled when he started to praise himself. She knew it was all true but ‘Look here Mr Potter. One, if Tom comes anywhere near me, I know how to deal with him. Two, you are not devilishly handsome or witty or charming. Three, you will beat Tom and my heart will not be broken. And four, I'm already in love with you!’

‘Well, my little Ginny. It seems you are quite happy with the current situation.’

‘Yeah, I must say I am. I mean, look at my life. I'm poor, not so pretty Ginny Weasley and I'm going out with the rich and handsome Harry Potter, whom I love because he’s just Harry. My life couldn’t get much better.’

‘It could, if I told you something.’ Harry whispered.

‘Oh, really?’

‘Yeah, do you wanna know?’

‘Yeah, tell me.’

‘I’ve put an anti-odour charm on my feet!’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now