The War

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Soon enough with the sound of the loud gong we started to charge at each other. But obviously we were the underdogs of this war. But we had to try to fight. Because maybe we will win. We need to win this war. Because if not, then we're in trouble.

I had took down my first man. By of course I wanted to fight the leader. All of us had bulletproof vests on under out kimonos. I had killed my second man already. Someone, a Tenshi Trainee, had already been killed. So soon enough, he had to fight even harder.

I was more worried about the shelter. There were so many people in there I was worried about the other side raiding the shelter and killing them all. I was even more afraid, about Lin. My friends. My mom who was fighting right now. I feared for all of their deaths.

So soon enough I had looked at the bloody scene that I was in. It was a madhouse, but we are only fighting for the freedom of our country. We aren't song anything bad. I had killed a third man. I haven't killed anyone before, but it felt right.

I needed to kill in order to save this country. I needed to kill in order for freedom. I needed to kill for the sake of these people. I had already killed the fourth man. But another Samurai was shot down on the battlefield. It was a Great Palace Trainee.

Two people have already die from our side. But we needed allies, which we got our weaponry like guns and tanks from. I had killed my fifth man. This was madness! I have never seen a war where I am one of the fighters. But my fear made me stronger.

I was doing good. I had no injuries so far. So soon enough I had looked at Hiroshi. Who had a small cut on his face. Either then that he had no injuries like I did. We were doing good. But now three of our men were dead, Tenshi Trainee.

I feared more about the death of our citizens. But I was able to shut off that fear and fight stronger. I killed 6 and 7 men now. I now had a stinging cut on my face. But it was nothing compared to witnessing my own death. And I won't.

I had done a lot of techniques I learned in the past. But soon enough another one of our men had died. From Great Palace. But this death had struck pain and sorrow in me. The one who had died, was Kane. I quickly ran to his side. He's dead.

I was too late. I couldn't save my own friend from death. But I had to try ad shrug it off. And to continue to fight. So I turned my face back to the enemies and raised my sword in front of me. I had put myself in a stance.

That battle stance I used when I trained with sensei Hiromasa. But I had to shrug off the memory of him being a traitor to us Samurai. Soon enough I had charged At the leader. Who I had tried to take down, but he was guarded by two swords men.

I had went into my battle stance again, and I started to battle both. I had did the summer salt trick that Kinu would always do on me. And it worked. The two guards were dead. But I wasn't able to take down the leader so easily, he had guns.

All I had was a blade. He had two guns placed on his left and right. I had to back down and fight the rest of the enemies where I had killed my 8th person. But now it didn't feel like killing now. Since one of my friends, was dead.

But of course, I had to kill for this country. And with that thought I killed my 9th and 10th person. Now I had the hang of things. Now I had killed 12 people in total defending myself. But it still didn't feel right fighting and killing people defending, too.

But everyone here fighting was someone defending for something. But now that I look at it, there isn't even a square inch, covered in the blood of a fighter. A battlefield had become a bloodbath. It was a disgusting sight. But I had to shrug the thought off, and fight.

I had killed my 13th person. Tears soon fell out of my eyes. I let out a war cry. It was traditional for a leader that if you shed your tears on the battlefield you must scream at the face of war, to show how angry you are at death.

The battle soon lessened and I probably had to find a shelter soon. Maybe I had to go back to the Shinobi Palace and see how they are doing at the shelter. But I had to continue fighting, since I was one of the leaders, originally trailed to be regular.

But I had become a leader. And I have no time to look for shelter. I have to stay strong. I had to continue to fight. I had to keep strong. Strong for this country. So I raised my sword for a gruesome battle. I had killed my 14th person.

My tears grew stronger and I couldn't force them back. Another one of my men had died, it was Akemi. He had died instantly and no one could help him. Now his body was trampled by Samurais and Soldiers fighting and battling in a brutal bloodbath unforgiving by nature itself.

Finally, after hours of restless battles, men have already retreated to the Shinobi Palace. But I continued to ugh the and killed my 15th person. But the leader was still out there. My goal for tomorrow, is to kill the leader. To end this war. When I turned back to the Shinobi Palace, the gates were closed shut. And I had no choice, but the stay on the battlefield as if it were my second home.

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