The War is Coming

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I laid awake on my bed thinking about the bad signs that I saw. But it had already happened. So maybe here were no bad signs happening. I was glad. Soon enough that black bird flew into this house. It had a small backpack in his hand with a message.

Maybe it was for my mom. So soon enough I opened the window that I'm guessing a messenger bird had come. But they should have informed this to the emperor. But the symbol on the back said that it was from the emperor. And it was for my mom, it was urgent.

I guess I shouldn't read it. I should respect my mom's privacy. The bird rested it's claws on my index finger and mom had went into my room and took out a piece of white paper that was in the bird's small backpack and read it. My mom's eyes widened.

"Mom what is it?" I asked her.

She grabbed my wrist and dragged me along to go to the Shinobi Palace. We arrived there in less than a minute. Mom raced to the room and sounded the indoor gong twice. The Samurais were at the training center immediately waiting for news.

Mom was soon at the front of all of these Samurais sitting cross-legged on their mats. I sat with them. Soon enough mom unveiled the scrolls showing three words that struck fear in all of our hearts.




"Everyone warn your families and friends about this war! Hana Dojinou! Kinu Kanabi! Tell the Great Palace and Tenshi Palace about this! Hano Dojinou! Kino Kanabi! Guard the Shinobi! I want everyone reporting here right after 10 minutes! Hai?" Luka said in a strict voice.

"Hai!" We all repeated and sprinted out of the Shinobi Palace and scattered to find our family and friends. I had nowhere to go to but the college where my past friends were at. I got my visitor pass in the office and spoke into the dean's microphone.


I could hear people screaming frantically in the college. They're were people running through the halls like it was the end of the world. The dean grabbed the microphone in my hands and spoke into it.

"Students! Remain calm and-" The dean was cut off by a student's scream.


They were right. I looked outside their window and saw that they had a bomb in one of the lockers. And it blew up right in front of my eyes. But it wasn't something that blew things up. It started to burn down.

People were running out of the hallways. The school started breaking down and the dean helped to save some students.

"Help! My foot's stuck!" Someone yelled.

I exited the dean's room as everyone was running out. I saw a guy carry a girl in his arms. She had some burnt parts on her. Maito was with Amaya. She was unconscious.

"What happened to her?!" I yelled and Maito shook his head and tears fell out of his eyes.

"She was the closest to the bomb. S-she caught on fire and...." Maito trailed off and sprinted towards the door with my cousin in his hands. I had a few tears in my eyes too. But I fought them back. I needed to help save some people too. But they were all out of the college right now. There was still someone screaming for help.

"P-please! Akio help me!!"

I knew who was screaming help. I raced over to her. It was Lin. Her foot was under a locker door and she couldn't get up. I lifted it from her foot and Lin ran up to hug me. With tears in her eyes. But I noticed something. Her eyes were closed.

No no no! This can't be! Was it the heat? Maybe it was. I picked Lin up and sprinted toward the door where a bunch of students were with burn scars over their faces. Some of them had their phones out and were able to dial 911. But there was two people unconsious. Amaya and Lin.

Soon enough an ambulance came with paramedics and were able to get to Amaya and Lin as soon as possible. Their burns were treated. But both of their eyes were still shut closed.

"Come on Amaya, please just stay. You promised you would," Maito said and forced back tears like I did. But someone at my back tapped me. It was a Samurai.

"Akio. Ten minutes passed. Sensei's calling you," he said but I shook my head.

"I can't leave Lin. I need to stay. Please," I said but he shook his head.

"Sensei's orders. Get ready for combat."

I nodded and took one last look at Lin, who was still being revived by the paramedics. She was still unconscious.

"Stay alive, Lin," I whispered and sprinted toward the Shinobi Palace with the Samurai. But when I had got their, our guarding samurais, Hano and Kino, were lying on the stone floor in a puddle of blood. They had a pocket knife stuck into their chests and thy weren't breathing. The Shinobi Gate was open. This was an ambush. I ran inside as fast as I could. No one was there.

I checked the combat rooms, no one was their either. The meditation center, no one. But the training center, it was filled with blood puddles. But no bodies. Soon enough I had heard the screams. Behind the training center was usually a sword cabinet. Inside, my mom was there, alive.

But she was in the hands of a black shadowy figure who held her in a chokehold and a sword was placed at her neck. She struggled to break free from the chokehold, but failed. I pointed my sword at the figure, my eyes widened when I saw who it was.

Pooh I left a cliffhanger. Oh wheyl let's see who it chapter!

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