What I'm going through

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As we trained I tried to keep my focus on my sword work since I was still working on a few tricks and everything. Kane was the same level as me and that's why we always train together. Because Sensei says it's like training a mirror. If it is possible.

Soon enough training was over and we had meditation time as rest. Because most of us grow restless if we train to much. I drank some herbal tea to help calm my spirits as we listen to the soothing and relaxing sounds of the waterfall crashing against artificial rocks and stones.

It was very peaceful. And meditation time was the most relaxing and calm and peaceful time to me. Incense burned making the smell make me feel woozy as I closed my eyes. The calm sounds of the river flowing. But soon enough every day there was a samurai who couldn't enjoy.

"What are we doing here just resting? I need to improve still!"

"Akemi we have this time to calm ourselves down. Now sit," Sensei said and sipped on his tea.

Akemi finally decided to calm down and sit on his mat in peace. I took one last sip of my herbal tea as we began to train again. My sparring partner was Kane. We were the top 2 in our class. We even talked while sparring which was very dangerous since someone could think about something else and not the battle and end up getting hurt badly. So it's best not to stay out of focus.

"So how about you? Any girls you've been eyeing on?" I asked Kane.

"Oh you get. The beautiful Kinu Kanabi. But she has a boyfriend," Kane said trying to stay in focus of the spar but was soon defeated because he lost his focus and was on the ground as I pointed my sword to his neck.

"Who's her boyfriend?" I asked Kane and helped him up.

"Akemi Dojinou," Kane glared at his lower class samurai Akemi.

"But if he wants to become a samurai then he has to break up with Kinu. Since he as to work on his duties as a samurai and everything."

Wait, does that mean I'll have to break up with Lin in order to become a samurai? Soon AI lost my balance and fell to the ground as Kane pointed the sword at my neck. He real eased it from my neck and helped me up.

"You really care about this Lin girl," Kane said and began to start to spar once more.

"And you and Kinu?" I asked as he almost went in quite a daze when I mentioned Kinu. Soon he had went off balance and I pointed the sword at his neck. I won because we only get 3 rounds of sparring. Therefore I have one Spar set 1. Now Spar Set 2 is where we have to go against a higher class of ourselves. The ones who are already high class have to practice the lower levels.

Kane practiced on Akemi. I was almost fearing that he was going to try and kill him. The rest had their partners and since I was so high class I had to spar my Sensei Hiromasa Kanabi. Kinu's father. Though it is said that if you pass 3 spar set's against Sensei Hiromasa, you become a samurai right away.

So we bowed our heads and began to spar. Soon I was able to catch up to Sensei's pace. But no matter how much I catch up to him, he was much quicker. Dodged each one of my moves, but I was too. I had won round 1. But I felt like I used up all my speed and agility on that one. Round 2 I would have to use my strength. Though it causes me to be slower.

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