3. Say "I Love You"

Start from the beginning

"Dare. I don't care man." He said.

Maou smirked. "I dare you to quit playing on electronics for the rest of the day." Maou snatched his console away.

"What? No fair!" He yelled.

"Your the one who costs us money, so shut up you NEET." Ashiya said.

Urushihara pouted. You giggled, causing him to blush a bit.

"Ok, I wanna go next!" Rika said. "Y/n, truth or dare!"

Your eyes widened. "Aww, come on! Why me! I know I can't choose truth since you'll harass me with embarrassing questions, so... Dare, I guess."

Rika smirked. "I dare you to sing!"

Your eyes widened. "Me?! I-I don't know how to sing..."

"Y/n, don't lie to me. I've heard you sing before."

You sighed. "Fine. What song?" You grabbed you f/c guitar and headphones, ready to strum.

Rika thought for a bit before whispering it into your ear. You gasped. "There's no way I'm singing that! It's too sappy!"

"You have to, it's a dare." Rika said.

"Your evil." You wined.

Rika laughed. "I know... but that's fair, cause your twice as evil as me.

"You got me there." You sighed and started strumming. Everyone watched you patiently as you began to sing.

(Song in the media: Run by Jasmine Tompson)

You are the wind in my sail
You are the spring in my step
You make me laugh you make me cry
And you make me forget

So tell me when you run, I want to run with you
Tell me where you hide, I want to come to you
Tell me where you go, I want to go there too
Even if you fall I will go down with you
I will be the one who comes to rescue you
Tell me where you go cause I want to be there too

I hid my secrets in a box
I did exactly what you said
And now I'm feeling so much better
Cause you make me forget

So tell me when you run, I want to run with you
Tell me where you hide, I want to come to you
Tell me where you go, cause I want to go there too
Even if you fall I will go down with you
I will be the one who comes to rescue you
Tell me where you go cause I want to be there too
With you, with you, with you, with you

You set the world on fire
And the flames are getting higher
So I stand beneath the waterfall
Yeah you set the world on fire
and the flames are getting brighter
but I don't feel the heat at all

So tell me when you run, I want to run with you
Tell me where you hide, I want to come to you
Tell me where you go, I want to go there too
Even if you fall I will go down with you
I will be the one who comes to rescue you
Tell me where you go cause I want to be there too
With you, with you, with you, with you

Everyone stared at you shocked while Rika smirked. "Told ya you were a great singer."

"Shut up." You said.

"Woah... that was amazing." Urushihara said. You blushed looking away. But what you didn't realize, was that Rika had seen your blush.

"Ok everyone, who wants to play seven minutes in heaven!" Rika exclaimed.

"No, anything but that!" You yelled.

Everyone looked at the two of you, confused. "Do you guys seriously not know what seven minutes of heaven is either? You asked.

"No, but it sounds scary by the way miss Y/n reacted." Ashiya said.

"Sure does." Maou said.

"Ok. Let me explain. You spin a bottle twice, and two people both go in a closet and have to stay there for 7 minutes." Rika said.

"Well... it doesn't sound too bad. But why does it say heaven in the title?" Maou asked.

Rika smiled widely. "You'll see! Ok, everyone get in a circle."

Everyone got in a circle while Rika grabbed a bottle from the kitchen.

"Ok, let's start. Rika spinned the bottle, it slowly kept spinning until it landed on Emi. Rika then spinned it again. This time, it landed on Maou.

"Ok, Emi, Maou, you both have to go in the closet together for 7 minutes." Rika said.

"What?! I'm not going in there with that demon!" She yelled.

"You have to. It's the rules."

"Life's not fair!" Emi wined.

Maou just shrugged and went in the closet with Emi.

...In The Closet...

Maou leaned against the wall while Emi leaned on the opposite side. There was an awkward silence for quite a while. Maou's eyes started to drift down.

"What do you think your looking at?" Emi asked.

Maou looked up, realizing he had been staring at her boobs. He blushed. "Nothing..."

"Yes you were! You're blushing!"

"It was an accident, ok?!"

"Yeah right! Accident my foot! You did that on-!" Before she could finish, Maou's lips locked with hers. Emi's eyes widened and she pushed him away.


"You talk too much." He said simply, bringing his lips back to hers.

Emi turned bright red, finally melting into the kiss and kissing back. Soon, the two pulled away, breathing heavily.

"Tell anyone about this... and I'll kill you."

Maou laughed. "Alright."

...Out the Closet...

Maou and Emi got out, blushing furiously.

"Jeez, what happened in there? You two look like tomatoes." Maou smacked Urushihara on the head.

"Shut up."

"Ok, let's see whose next." Rika spinned the bottle, and soon it landed on you. She spinned the bottle again. 'Please don't land on Urushi, please don't land on Urushi, please don't land on-' It landed on Urushihara. 'I'm dead' You thought.

"Ok, Urushihara, and Y/n, into the closet!" Rika said, smirking.

You sighed and walked into the closet with Urushihara.

...In the Closet...

Urushihara closed the door and locked it, looking straight at you.

"Urushihara... why are you looking at me like that."

Urushihara sighed. "It doesn't matter. It's not like you'd ever love a NEET like me."

You blushed, trying to process what he said. 'He... loves me? Well, that's unexpected...' You then realized something. He thought... you didn't love him back.

"And... what if I do..." You asked.

He looked up at you and pinned you to the wall. "Say it." He said.

You stood there, flustered. "Wh-what?"

"Say you love me." He said.

"I... I love you."

With that said, he brought his lips to yours. You're eyes widened, but you immediately kissed back. You two stood there for a while, lost in each other.

...Out the Closet...

"Guys, it's past 7 minutes!" Rika said.

The gang waited, but you two still didn't come out.

"Jeez, what do you think their doing in there...?" Emi asked.

Rika smirked. "I think I can make a few guesses..."

The gang looked at her, shocked. "Wait... you mean-"

"I'll kill that NEET!" Emi yelled.

The End!

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