Immortal Child - Chapter 22

Start from the beginning

“What the hell Roxanne?” she shouted and immediately rushed over to Mike.

“I’m fine Alexia, let go of me.” Mike complained.

I was kneeled next to Mike, brushing my fingers through his hair. He smiled at me faintly, and I knew I had taken too much of his blood. I knew he wasn’t going to die, but he hasn’t eaten anything since this morning. He felt a bit dazzled, and faint, so he went over to the bed to lie down for a while.

“Why did you do that to him Roxanne?” asked Alexia.

I could see she was disappointed in me, and also afraid that I might hurt Mike. But what she didn’t know was that Mike and I shared something beautiful together the previous night, and that we were one now. Not just because we made love or because I fed from his blood, but because we were able to be together now, without me having the fear of changing him into a vampire.

“Stay out of it Alexia, you’re just a child, you don’t know anything.” I said with a tone of venom.

Alexia stared at me, not knowing what to say. I knew that I hurt her; she was more than a child. No child would ever survive going through the things Alexia went through these past few weeks. I felt bad for hurting my sweet cousin, but she had no right interfering like that. I loved Mike and would never do anything to hurt him, even if I did attack him just a few days ago, but things were a lot clearer now. I understood why I felt this way about Mike’s scent; I needed it to unleash the power I had hidden inside of me.

“I’m sorry Lex.” I said knowing that her feelings were hurt.

Alexia didn’t respond, she turned her back on me and clenched her fists together.  I could sense she was angry, and wanted nothing more than to slap me across the face. I had no right to speak to her that way; I had no authority over her. Alexia started shaking, struggling to keep the whimper from escaping her lips. I went over to her and touched her shoulder, trying to comfort her and apologize, but the moment my hand touched her shoulder, she spun around at vampire speed, grabbing my wrist and my neck. She pushed me against the wall, staring at me with hurtful eyes.

“You are not my mother…” she said, putting an emphasis on not. “…and I am not a child. I’m getting sick and tired of having to please you Roxanne. The world does not revolve around you. You have hurt me and you have hurt Mike, and now you want us to fall to your feet. You are just as selfish as Nerice. You, Roxanne Burns, will always put yourself before others.”

I’ve never felt this hurt before in my life, I knew that I wasn’t selfish. All this time I have been worrying about her and Mike, not wanting to put their lives in danger. I let a whimper escape my lips, letting her know how I felt, but she just kept staring at me with those hurtful eyes, not showing any sign of regret. I was going to have to make it up to her; I knew an apology wouldn’t be enough.

“I’m sorry Lexi…” I said once more. She loosened her grip on me and let her hands fall to her side.

“You better get your act together. Lives are at stake here. There is no time for being self absorbed Roxanne.” she said.

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