Moving Somewhere Else

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In one week I'm moving to a new town. That means new house, new school, and leave friends. I didn't like the fact that I was going to leave everyone, expecially my best friend, Amber. We spent all of our time together before I had to go. When it was time to leave I said goodbye to everyone, but I didn't like the fact that I had to say goodbye to Amber, because that would mean I won't see her in a very long time. I'm not a crier, I don't cry, well at least not in front of people. But it is rare to see me cry.
~settled into the new house~
"Melissa, come down for breakfast!" My mother called from the kitchen. I checked my phone to see what time it was and it read '7:36 am' I am not a morning person, but if I don't go down stairs sooner or later my mother would drag me out of bed. LITERALLY. So I took my time going down stairs. I saw my brother, Matthew at the dining room table already digging into his waffles. I don't understand why he is here, I thought he would be in his dorm room at college.
"Arnt you supposed to be at your dorm room?" I asked him.
"Nice to see you too sis" he gave me that 'don't be such a bitch' look. I just raised my brow at him. I'm 17 and he is three years older then me.
"I just came to see the new house, and I saw mom made waffles so I had some." He added. I just gave him a nod and said,
"Well good to see ya." I went up stairs to take a shower after my breakfast. I got on a pair of skinny jeans and a black loose tank top. The rest of the day I didn't do much. I just stayed up in my room and think about what school is gonna be like for tomorrow, with my music playing.
I clicked my alarm off, and went to go take a shower. I put on some ripped skinny jeans and a simple cute shirt.
I went down stairs and got all my stuff together, and some extra money for lunch.
"Oh great time for high school, I bet it's gonna be a living hell...."

*thank you for reading my story
And the picture on the side is a picture of Melissa. Hope you enjoyed my story.*

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