"What!" I hissed at him . He just kept staring at me.

What is wrong with this dude is he stupid or something.

I just ignored him and kept writing.
Suddenly I saw a some girl walked through the door and hand the teacher a note.

"Excuse me class we have a student who is going to be in our class for this year" Mr. Pascual said reading the note.

The girl  sat next to the guy beside me.

Well shit she even look  more real than Barbie.

"Hi" a girl said to my left smiling at me.
"Hi" I said shyly pretending to even care.

"What's your name?" She asked still grinning at me with those big eyes.

"Karma Pride?" I said seeing her reaction to my name. 

" That's a beautiful name I guess. My name is Ally" she replied holding out her hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you Ally"

"Want to be my friend" Ally said happily smiling again.

she must be high on drugs or something . Or maybe she got laid last night . I think that's it.

What the heck , might as well make new friends.


* **************************

" Come on Karma" Ally said  down the hall way. 

" Just go ahead I'll be right there" 

I began walking to my locker . Suddenly I was pushed against the locker. " Hey beautiful!" a guy whispered in my ears as I  stared at him if he lost his mind.

Oh wait a minute. He's the guy earlier this morning jackpot!!!

" Hi there" I said shyly blinking my eyelash

"Oh I'm sorry My name is Hunter Stevens". He said with his signature smirk played across his lips.

I looked at him and take in a deep breath.

" Am my name is Karma Pride" I just couldn't stop staring at his gorgeous face.

We both began to stare into both each other eyes . His hazel eyes were beautiful as his eyes pierced in my soul.

I couldn't help myself as I felt butterflies in my stomach and goose bumps on my neck.

I wanted to run but I couldn't cause his arm was locked on me.

"Hunter!" the teacher yelled . He quickly moved away.

"Leave that girl alone your no good!" the teacher pointed her fingers at him .

" Just because your Pussy has expired" Hunter mumbled to himself.

"What did you say?"

" Nothing" he said and then quickly walk away to whoever who was calling him.

I take in a deep breath and gasped in everything that just happen.

" where you taking a shit?" Ally asked with both her arms on her hips.

"No.!" I shouted in her face.

"Oh sure you did cause you were taking long" 

"If it wasn't' that Hunter guy" I said smiling remembering our moments.

"Stay away from him he is a player" she warned me and pulled me from my arm

I looked at her with a shock on my face. Wow that is interesting.

" Sorry I didn't know for God sake!!!".

" well he is quite a bad ass but his charms no one can resist"

" Don't let him good looks fools you" she added.

I knew he was a player but I don't want him to use me as he uses other girls. I was once a player in my school for a reason . From their I was known as Karma. I knew
My time has come for this so call player who thinks he's the best. Well I'll prove him wrong.

"Karma to earth Karma to earth" Ally said snapping her little fingers in front of my face repeatedly.

I snapped out of my thoughts and look at her.

"Am sorry about that "

"Okay am hurry eat so we can get back to class" she demanded watching me as I finish eating.


As I was walking someone pushed me against the locker.

"What the hell !" I hissed as I tried to get up.

" Stay away from Hunter you bitch!!!!" she yelled at me and pointed her perfectly nail polished fingers in my face.

Who this bitch think she is??? Bitch I will teach your ass a fucking lesson!!!!!!

" Or else what!" I replied seriously testing her patience as point my fingers in her face.

" Or else I will beat the hell out of you and make you suffer!!!!"she hissed at me.

" Well see about that!" She  walked away with anger knowing she just got challenged with minions behind her.

"What was that!"Ally said freaking the hell out.

" Amm nothing" I shrugged . 

" There well be a party tomorrow be there" she said and left to God knows where.

I nodded and left  to go to the rest of my class.


Hi guys I hope you like this chapter . Comment and vote. Tell me if u like this book.

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