Chapter 10 - Killing at the Strip club

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Letting the slut Lucy kiss me was my biggest mistake, what angered me more was the fact that she kissed me straight after my kiss with Cataleya. The way Cataleya kissed me was different, her lips were smooth and gentle, they tasted sweet and addictive. She made me feel alive and happy without her I'm nothing.

I've broken hearts, lost my family, killed people. I'm a sinner that's only gonna sin again.

I got up and drove back to the gangs house. I opened the door with a loud bang and every ones eyes were on me. I smirked my signature smirk and walked to the basement where we kept our weapons and searched for my favourite gun. I also loaded one of our cars with different weapons and then I walked back to the living room and threw each person a gun. They looked at me as if I have lost my mind and I just ignored them.

"I want you all to practise and make your aim perfect. It won't be long until we attack the "Boss" and his gang. We can't afford to make any mistakes." I said.

"But what about the plan to find Cataleya?" Mathew asked.

"And Tia." Jack glared at me, he blamed me for driving Cataleya away and he was mad that she took Tia with her.

I run my hand through my hair thinking. "We can't put them in danger, by eliminating the "Bosses" gang it will be an advantage and this way they will be safe. After eliminating their gang we will proceed to find Cataleya and Tia."

Everyone seemed pleased with the plan and I called it a night and went to bed. I stripped out of my clothes and remained in my boxers. My bed felt empty without Cataleya by my side, before I knew it I dialed her number and patiently waited for her to answer.

"You can't track me anymore, so don't even bother. I took out the tracking chip from my phone." She said.

I cursed silently making sure she didn't hear me. But I didn't call her to track her down I wanted to talk to her. "I'm not trying to track you I just want to talk."

"Erm...okay then?"

"I wanted to apologize and I know you wont accept my apology but I just want you to hear me out." I said.

I could hear her laughing. "Okay Dan the man carry on."

I smiled and carried on. "I'm sorry for kissing Lucy straight after kissing you. It was wrong and I should have done something about it but it's too late. But I never kissed her she kissed me. I'm telling the truth and I care about you. You're the only girl that I have felt this way for, you complete me. I just want you to...." Before I could continue she spoke.

"You don't understand do you?"

"Understand what?"

"Yes you did break my heart when you kissed the slut but that's not the main reason I left."

I was confused more than ever. "Why did you leave then?"

"Because wherever I go I attract trouble, I left so I could protect your gang and my" She explained.

"Listen Cataleya please come back, I will help you but running away won't solve anything." I wanted nothing more than to be with her right now.

She chuckled. "Who said I'm running away, tell Jack to call me tomorrow I have to go."

"Wait what do you mean? Why do you want Jack to call you?"

She hung up leaving my questions unanswered. I threw my phone towards the wall and it landed leaving the screen cracked, I then knocked the lamp over causing it to shatter. The door burst open and Jack walked in.

"You know there's other ways to release your anger, no need to smash stuff." He said sarcastically.

I sighed. "Cataleya said she wants you to call her tomorrow."

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