"I'd like to like like this, where nobody bothers you" I said looking at the view of Los Angeles.

"Me too, it's really nice"

I nodded my head agreeing with him.

"Maybe when we are a bit older we could"

"What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"Maybe we could get married one day"

"And what makes you think I would marry you?" I quizzed.

"Just look at me!" He pointed at his face and 'flipped his long hair'

I laughed and shrugged.

"Who wouldn't want to marry me?" He asked. "Everyone does" he winked and smiled.

"Oh yes" I said sarcastically.

"I'm just playing but even if we don't marry each other or whatever I hope that we could still be really close to each other and you know,live together or close"

"Yeah, in a few years. When we have enough money"

"Have you noticed that when we are walking we talk about the most random things ever, but I love these conversations" he said.

"I do too. I get to know more about you" I smiled.

"The little things are the most important things to know" he poked my side.

"Stop!" I said jokingly.

"Never!" He poked me again.

"Jai Brook!" He put both my hands on my hips. "don't make me hurt you"

He put his hands up in defense.

"Thought so" I sassed.

He all of the sudden kissed my cheek.

I looked over at him and he was already looking out at the view.
I smiled and turned my head back to the view.

"I love you" he said still not looking at me.

"I love you too"

"Sorry about everything" he turned to me.

"Let's just forget about the past"

We stayed up there until the sun was setting. Then we made our way back down.

It was already late so we decided to pass by Panera Bread to get something to eat.

Jai went in to order it while I waited for him outside.

Can you please bring Jai over? We need to talk

To James:
It's not up to me. it's up to him. Sorry.

Yeah you're right.

I did t respond to him, I wasn't trying to be rude but I can't make someone do something they don't want to do.

"Back!" I heard as Jai got into the car.

"Yay! Let's go" I turned on the car and backed out the parking space.

"Home it is" is said as I drove off.

I turned on the radio.


Two days later.

"Babe" I heard Jai call from the door.

"What?" I got up from my bed. When I was walking to the door I tripped on my heel.

"Ow! Fuck!" I cursed as I fell.

I heard the door open.

I looked at Jai looking confused.

"How did you fall?" He tried not to laugh.

"I tripped on my heel" I shrugged

He began laughing.

"It's not funny! Pick me up" I pouted.

"Just because you're cute" he helped me up.

"Anyways what was it that you needed?" I asked trying to hide my red face.

"Oh yeah, get ready. I'm taking you out for dinner"

"What if I had something to do?" I asked.

"Do you?" He looked at me.


"Get ready. I'm not taking no as an answer so get ready" he winked and walked out.

I began looking for something to wear.

"Wait! Jai" I walked to the hall.


"How should I dress?"

"Something nice. A dress?"

"Okay" I walked back to the room.

He's no help.

I got out a couple dresses I could wear but I had already worn them and I didn't like how they looked on me.

I walked back to my closet and looked some more.


I had finally manage to find a dress. It was the color white. there was a open by the stomach but I liked it.

I got my heels and put them on.

I had already put makeup on.

"Are you ready?" I heard Jai from outside my door.

"Almost" I called out.

"I'll be waiting down stairs" he said.

I put on my lipstick and checked myself on the mirror.

I grabbed my purse and phone. Things I needed.

I walked to the door and out to the hall. I checked myself again on the hall mirror.

I carefully made my way to the stairs. I looked down the stairs

Walking down the stairs with heels are a struggle.

'Right. Left. Right. left. woah! Careful! Right. Left' I was telling myself.

I noticed Jai was standing waiting for me.

"Wow!" He looked at me up in down.

He held out his hand for me to take.

"What? Am I over dressed?" I asked panicked.

"No. you look amazing" he spun me around.

I giggled. "you don't look bad yourself Brooks"

"Shall we?" He looked at me.

"We shall" I linked arms with him.


I went to New York and it was fucking amazing!

I posted the first chapter for photographs.

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Sorry for the lack of updates.

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