Chapter Four

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-•America is a Very Strange Place•-
•~Rosella's POV~•

The metal bird (which George calls an "airplane") landed very strangely than a normal bird with something called "landing gear". I wonder if birds have that. After George got his leather box, he leads us to the contraption that can move without a horse known as a "car" or "vehicle" that we were in when he lead us to the white building. We open the silver metal door and sit in the seats. George drives for a few hours then stops at building made of red, brick-like walls with grey stuff in between each brick. We usually used stone; I guess he used red clay. The four of us climb out of the car towards the building with a sign above the door that reads: Blast from the Past! Preserving Ancient Artifacts since 1983. How strange...

"If we're as old as you say we are," Evelina says, looking down from the sign, "then we must be ancient artifacts."

George laughs then replies, "That's an interesting way to put it! You all are what we modern people call... uh, historical figures? I guess. I don't know, but an artifact is an object, not a person,"

"Oh, then why'd you bring us here?" she asks.

"Because this is where I live," he answers. "C'mon, I'll show you the upstairs."

The three of us follow George through the shop and to a flight of stairs. At the top of them is a wooden door with designed glass that he unlocks. He takes off his tan coat and hangs it on a wooden stand with pegs sticking out of it. He sets his odd-looking keys on a table and opens his arms.

"Welcome to casa de George." he annouces.

"What?" Kaeso asks.

"You're from Pompeii. That's a Roman island."

"Your point?" I ask.

"Don't you guys speak Italian?" he asks.

"What's Italian?" Evelina asks.

"We speak Latin and English," I say.

George smacks himself on the face, "That's right! I forgot Romans spoke Latin before Italian."

The three of us stare at him blankly in confusion. George shakes his head then tells us to wait out here in the "living room" as he goes into the kitchen. I walk around, marveling over the fascinating objects that are unknown to me. Kaeso eyes a light brown chair made of fabric, poking at it once in a while. Then he sits on it and gasps.

"What is it?" I ask.

"It's so comfortable!" Kaeso exclaims.

From kitchen, George calls, "That's called a couch, or a sofa, or a sectional. Whichever feels the most natural."

I sit down with Kaeso and sigh as I press my body back into the soft sofa. I look over and see Kaeso fiddlin with something in his hand. Then I notice what it is. It's my sorcery stone, the Water Stone. I snap at him, "Hey! give that back!"

"Aw, I was having some fun with it," Kaeso says as I snatch it from his hands.

"Why did you take this out if my staff? and when!" I hiss.

"Before you hid it away in your necklace," he says, pointing at my metal pendant.

"Well, I'm glad you didn't take off my gemstone amulet," I say.

"Rosella, I think Kaeso knows better than that. If he took that off of you, you'd be suffering," Evelina says.

"I know, I know," I reply with a sigh. "I'm just thankful that I've been able to keep my ears covered since I haven't been able to get a chance to mold them."

"Well, it's pretty long, so that doesn't seem to be a problem." Evelina laughs.

I look down at my long brown hair. It's probably a little less than three feet long. I pick up a lock and look at the tangly mess. I definately need it shorter. I look around to make sure George doesn't come out and tuck my hair behind my left ear, revealing my pointy elf ear. I put my hand up to it and use my power to change it into a human ear. I quickly do the same to the other side and brush my hair back over them. George leaves the kitchen with white plates and food on them.

"This is the best I got for a lot of people." George says. "Sandwiches for everyone!"

He hands us each a plate of the odd-looking meal and Kaeso picks up the bread thing. He sniffs it carefully then takes a bite. Suddenly he starts devouring the entire thing. Evelina and I stare at him for a moment until we look down at our own "sandwiches".

"It's just ham and cheese," George says, taking a bite.

Evelina and I look at each then I shrug. I chomp off a piece of my sandwich and taste the saltiest piece of meat I ever had with the worst cheese I've ever tasted. But it's food and I'm starving. I contort my face into a sour smile then gulp down the rest of the meal as best I can. Evelina stares at me in horror, setting her plate on the table in front of her.

"T-Thank you, George." I say, gagging, "I'm not trying to be picky, but next time, let's not over-salt the meat and whatever is cheese is... I have no words to describe how nasty that was."

"Yet you ate it?" George asks.

"It's food and I'm hungry, of course I'll eat it." I reply.

"If you didn't like it then you could have just told me so," he says.

"Yeah, that was pretty gross, not bad, but still... eh," Kaeso adds.

"You three are probably used to fresh out-of-the-garden foods, huh?"

"Indeed," Evelina replies.


Not long after our meal, George set up a room for Evelina and I to sleep in, putting Kaeso in the living room. He set up two certain kinds of beds called a "cots" for us. I have never had a more comfortable bed in all my life. Before we got some sleep, George called us into the living room again.

"Tomorrow is going to be a big day," George annouces, "We need to get you guys into some modern clothes and clean you all up. Whatever you need or want done, I'll get it done.

"First, Rosella, you need a major haircut; no one today has hair that goes below their bottom. Actually, you all need a haircut. More so you, Kaeso."

"Why me the most?" Kaeso asks.

"There aren't many young boys in America that have hair that goes to down to their shoulders.

"Get some sleep. Be ready by eight in the morning."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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