Chapter 8: Into the Woods ☽

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The cover page in the book was a blank page with different reappearing messages, written in a crisp, cursive font addressed to her twin Anex; each entry was signed from an unknown "Madame Mysterié". The book was divided in two halves: journal entries written by the mysterious madame, and the back half written by Anex. Accalia rapidly flipped threw the book, her finger flying faster than the speeding bullet that shot into the glass earlier, causing a hundred shards of glass to sprinkle down like flakes of snow.

"I'll be reading this dear book as you continue your rambling." Accalia broke out an evil phony laugh, diligently and keenly reading each word recorded in ink on the smooth pages.

Milly pouted her lips like a sad puppy dog, for she too wanted to unlock the hidden knowledge and secrets the book contained written inside. But, she quickly re-zoomed with her witchcraft, forgetting it all, mixing together lavender and the foul smelling, purple blood of the mageia hound.

Accalia flipped to a random entry in the back of the book, written by Anexia. It read:

January 12th:
Word has gone out that the Queen of Paremeth left—just left her husband. Although I'd probably do the same if I were stuck ruling a land full of monsters and hideous dark creatures—who am I kidding? I'm such a hypocrite. No vampire or demon is as cruel or disgusting as I am. And I too, left my kingdom. And the people made up of it were too horrible, mean beings. My parents kept me locked in my room most of the day for I am described as "dangerous" and "chaotic" when left unleashed around the palace. So today I made a run for it. I wanted to escape my problems. So, I somehow burnt the walls and booked it, taking my special journal with me of course. No one should have the privilege to see what she's written in this book. She communicates through it. It's like she's a part of me now. So I ran. And ran, and ran, and ran......But running away from my problems only lead me into another one: him. -Anexia

Accalia had a desire burning inside her as to who this Madame Mysterié was. And even more burning that that, who he was.

So she read the next entry:

January 13th:
I shouldn't have accepted his offer, but the way he approached me was so......cunning? It's almost indescribable. He understood my pain, suffering. He made me believe he wanted to help me, while benefiting for himself of course. Just the fact of meeting him in the woods was mysterious enough. He put forth the offer of raiding my own kingdom with him.....and being the moron I was, I accepted. It wasn't my kingdom anymore....not after the crown was ripped from my head and given to my younger twin sister. With one condition only though: he couldn't hurt my family. Even though I have such hatred towards them, I'm not entirely evil. I'm human after all; I have a heart. Or at least a small broken piece of it left. He even nicknamed me Anex, which is much better than than the horrifying sound of my name, Anexia. Ha, my parents gave a hideous name to a monster of a human being. Props to them. Well tomorrow will be the day I do it.....cast my revenge. January 14th. -Anex

Accalia flipped to the cover page of the journal. There, ancient letters in black ink started to form letters:

Do not enter the woods, my child.

Curiosity killed the Cat.

"Pffft—" Accalia rolled her eyes. "The only thing that killed the cat are my own fists."

For once she began to feel an aberrant passion brew inside her. It roared and ached eagerly with determination, like a prisoner with a craving desire to escape a jail cell. She was so tired of everyone telling her not to enter the woods. Maybe she wanted to. The woods were very intriguing when she first arrived. They felt mystical and beguiling. Grigori and Madame Mysterié had no right to tell her what she could and could not do. (This never goes well). Even if it was wrong, she had an aching pain to feel the rough bark of the forrest trees, or to hear the owls hooting in the dark. She closed the book and hid it under her bed. She sniffed her nose to a disgusting odor. Purple sparks and strange smells were arising from Milly's cauldron.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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