The day of the funeral, you left the house early in a long black dress and a dark jacket. The streets were loud and bustling, the world still rotated happily as you walked to the funeral. It was what you loved most about the muggle world, they lived on with their smiles and bright hair colors despite the death and poverty that surrounded their small world. Many gossiping witches had called in insensitive and selfish, but you were learning there were times to be selfish.

Mcgonagall's prejudice decision wasn't one of those times. You were finding you knew more about life and it's workings than Mcgonagall ever did, death seems to do that to a person. You'd seen Mcgonagall cry but never believed it. She didn't know what it was like to loose your best friend. To be locked away for the decisions of a ratty old hat and listen in the safety of your imprisonment to the screams of death that rained in the skies of war. She would never understand your pain as you sat in that dungeon, hearing the war above and envisioning every possible way your friends could die. Again and again you told yourself they weren't dead, that you were exaggerating. When you collapsed beside Jess in your weeps and screams of terror the thoughts ran through your mind. You watched your friend die a thousand times, and it was far worse than seeing her fall before you. At least then, you could still see the bright sparkles in her eyes as they faded away, instead of being left with empty memories.

You did your best to clear your mind as you walked down the street. The sidewalk was wet with yesterday's rain and the air was filled with the calming smell of dew mixed with the smokey aroma of London streets. The air was a heavy thick weight, you weren't sure if it was from the rain or your filling sadness.

You walked down the bustling street, happy to let your mind wander through the rumbling streets, the bright red tour buses, the laughing people and the comforting foggy mist that lit the horizon. At an empty cemetery you stopped walking, from here you would have to apparate.

The cemetery was empty, but despite its dark fading tombstones and wet snuffled candles, it was happy. The cheery trees hung with morning dew and their leaves blew away with the wind, tumbling and mixing with the roses and lilies and daisies and marigolds. It was bright and colorful and beautiful, it was the most vibrant thing you'd seen since you moved away from the wizarding world.

With a fresh smile, you left the cemetery.

It had been a while since you last apparated, and even then you were still new to it. The wrenching swirl of your gut and your head being pulled in what seemed like opposite directions, and the sudden launching onto solid ground after being pushed through the thick jelly of apparating.

The funeral took place in a bright white tent, shading the grassy area with a dulled warm sunlight. You entered the tent warily and you could feel your hands shaking despite the morning warmth. This funeral would be full of witches and wizards, witches and wizards who you'd abandoned. Even if they hadn't been your friends, they still invited you here today, and you had left them. You weren't sure how they would react to you, maybe they sent the invitation to the wrong person. You turned away, walking away from the tent. You knew you could have apparated right there, but walking felt so much more natural.

When you turned you nearly bumped into the person you thought would be least likely to come.

"I hadn't known you were going to be here." Draco Malfoy said quietly, his eyes darting around to check for incoming guests.

"I could say the same about you." You replied, straightening up. You hadn't known Draco very well, but from what you did know he had fought with Voldermort in the war. He was as much to blame for Jess and Fred's deaths as Mcgonagall. "From what I've heard you choose your side in the war."

"It was a mistake."

"Mistakes get people killed. Especially when you let your prejudiced cloud your judgement."

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