Chapter 7: Thanksgiving Break

Start from the beginning

Derek smiled, "I'll let you know. Don't worry about me."

I sighed, "Alright, you're more than welcome, I hope you know that. Jacob's been asking to see you by the way. Mom wants you back because you're the only who appreciates her oatmeal raisin cookies, which I still don't understand why you like oatmeal raisin. Out of every different kinds of cookies, oatmeal raisin?!" I rambled.

Derek snickered, "What? They are incredibly delicious."

"Incredibly disgusting." I wrinkled my nose, "I love my mom's cooking but just...oatmeal raisin?!"

"You're the weirdo who likes salt and vinegar chips!" Derek exclaimed, "What's wrong with you?!"

"What do you mean what's wrong with me!? Those are so freaking food, what the hell?"

Naomi groaned, "Shut the fück up, you too. I'm trying to eat."

"Do you know how annoying English is?" Sean exclaims, dropping his lunch tray on the table.

I raise an eyebrow, "Hello, to you too." I snicker.

"What kind of stupid book are we even reading?" Sean grumbles, shaking his head in disappointment. "What kind of fúckíng name is Romance But Not Really?" He scowls. "It sounds like some dumbâss cliche movie or whatever, I don't know, it's messing with my head."

I snickered. "Good luck... I think." I said, not really knowing how to respond to that.

"Shut up, Sean." Mason sat down. "And look at this." He shoved his phone in Sean's face.

Sean scowled, pushing Mason's hand away. "I'm going to go blind because of you."

"Look at the scores! It's 7-7! If my team wins, you lose Sean."

Sean grumbled a bunch of swear words, "Buzz off, Mase."

"Guess what?" Carson sat down next to Naomi. "Chicken butt."

I chuckled, "You look like you need some cheering up." I tell Sean.

"That's 'cause I do." He muttered. A smirk slowly formed on his face, "You know what'd cheer me up?"

I backed away slowly, looking at him suspiciously. "What?"

"A kiss from you!" Carson yelled excitedly, way too loudly that it attracted people's attention. Lots of people glanced at our direction, curiosity sparking them.

Some idiot decided to shout, "Kiss!" and soon everyone joined in, even my so-called friends.

I looked around in shock, finding it hard to believe that this was actually happening.

Sean smirked, leaning in. "Hmm... shall we give them what they are asking for?"

"Ew," one of my friends muttered.

I shook my head quickly, "No." I murmured. "Go away."

He grinned, his lips dangerously close to mine. Just as he was about to plant his lips on my, I turned to my side and his lips landed on my cheek.

"Boo!" Some shouted, laughing. I rolled my eyes. Stupid high schoolers.

My friends burst out laughing, "You just got rejected!" Carson exclaimed, laughing loudly. Derek and him high-fived, laughing.

Sean rolled his eyes but I saw a tiny smile on his face. "I'll get you to kiss me one day." He told me quite enough for me to hear.

I grinned, raising an eyebrow in a teasing manner. "Sure you will."


The bell rings, signaling the end of the day. "Goodbye, class! See you Monday!" Everyone hurries out of the classroom, chattering happily with their friends. I hurry to my locker shoving everything I need in my backpack. Luckily, I didn't have much homework which saved me a lot of work. I couldn't bother to do my homework during break anyway.

Walking outside to my car, I wait for Naomi to get out so the two of us could carpool and go home. I send her text letting her know I was already in my car.

I hum to a random beat that popped in my head as I scrolled through Twitter on my phone, liking things that I thought were funny.

Someone knocks on my window, making me jump a little. I look at the window, putting the window down.

"Oh, Joe! Hey, what's up?" I grin.

"Hey, just saw you," He grinned, "what are you doing for Thanksgiving?"

"Just with the family, what about you?" I ask him.

"I'll be spending it with my brother." He smiles.

"Oh, hi, Joe!" Naomi exclaims a big grin on her face. "How are you?"

"Great, great, you?"

"Awesome! Just excited to go home and eat." She laughs.

He laughs, "Well, I have to get going, it was nice seeing you two."

"Bye, Joe!" We chirp as he waved, leaving in the opposite direction.

Naomi gets in the car, buckling in. She turns up the radio as Company by Justin Bieber blasts through the car.

Naomi and I share a knowing glance before we scream out the lyrics.



I laugh loudly, "We really suck at singing."

Naomi laughs along with me, "We should audition for American Idol."

I snort, "Yeah, we'd win first place."

Soon, we arrive at Naomi's house. "Bye, Zoe! Love you! See you after the break." She gives me a quick side hug.

"Love you, Naomi." I grin, hugging her back. "See you then."

Naomi enters her house, waving one last time. I wave back before driving off to my house.

Thanksgiving, I'm ready to stuff my face with food.


Author's Note: i should be studying for my midterms but nope, this is what i'm doing. pray for me that i actually pass them. ugh, tests are disgusting.

hope you guys are liking derek so far. :)

ps: "romance but not really" is a made up title lol. Idk if it's actually a real title or not, i looked it up and nothing really came up. lmao, what kind of freaking title is "romance but not really" omg i have no creativity.

but, anywho, comment, vote, etc. (:

xoxo - Mayyy

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