Chapter 4

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Selena's POV

Teacher: Selena can you please tell us about yourself
Selena: yes sorry well I just came here from Texas, my favorite color is green and that's about it.
Teacher: thank you. now class please open your textbooks to page 144.

After class......

I had bumped into Demi and started searching for Justin. I finally found him in the school yard and had introduced him to Demi.

Selena: Hey Justin this is my friend Demi she...
Justin: I can't talk right now

Justin had strangely walked away. I just stared at Demi and we walked away. Then once again I bumped to someone and this time it was this mean girl named Jasmine.

Jasmine: Ughh who do you think you are?
Selena: Sorry i didn't see you and you shouldn't talk to me that way you don't even know me.
Jasmine: Whatever just don't get near me ever again.

Demi: Wow you just stood up to the meanest girl in school.
Selena: Really there's gotta be some changes around here

Later on in the day....

Later on in the day I was laying bed when I heard something hit my window. I look out and I see Justin. He was just standing there and then he left. It was weird. Almost to weird.

Justin's POV
After school I followed Selena everywhere. It was like she had some kind of pull on me. It was strange. Then I threw a rock at her window. She looked out she looked beautiful. I didn't know what to say so I just walked away. I went home to my friends since they were like family.  My Friends were Ryan, Chaz, and Alfredo.

............................................................................................................................................... I Know I haven't posted but I'm going to start posting small chapters like this so I hope u enjoy.

P.S Sorry for the long wait.

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